Getting in Shape Tips

May 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

People very often have the wrong mindset that does not able them to have permanent results. To get in shape and lose weight in the process does not happen with temporary diets, others methods have to be used to achieve this. You can work very hard and be motivated but that is not enough, if you are moving in the wrong direction.

First of all you have to forget the “diet mindset.” To be successful in the long-term you first have to change your whole attitude towards exercise and nutrition. Instead of temporary on and off diets that most people use to lose weight, you have to focus on the mindset of lifelong “habits.” A habit is a behavior that is very hard to break, once it has completely developed, if it is good or bad. You can only get in shape and lose fat, if you constantly adopt new exercise and nutrition habits that you can maintain for the rest of your life.
If you have bad habits that you want to get rid of then replacing them with new ones, not attempting to overcome them with sheer willpower. If you have poor nutrition and are inactive most of the time then changing your habits from bad to good one step at a time is the key. If you want to from new habits that stick with you then you also have to eliminate the old ones.
This process of developing good nutritional habits of course is not easy and takes time but once they are formed, it is very hard to get rid of them. The more you work on the new habit such as exercising 3-4 times a week, the stronger the habit gets.

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