Getting the best help with your running training

January 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Article by Isla Campell

Some people seem to be natural athletes, apparently able to run long distances without any trouble at all. This isn’t always the case for the rest of us; many people need help to get started running and once they do they often need running training to help develop good technique and avoid bad habits. Thankfully, through a combination of learning about your body and how to optimise its performance while running, the right training programme and sage advice from other runners, you can go a long way to achieving your full potential and feel great about your achievements as a budding athlete.It’s important to be realistic in your goals and expectations when you first start running and choose an appropriate training programme. If you haven’t had much experience running and aren’t particularly physically fit, it’s usually best to start with a “walk to run” programme which will help to improve your aerobic stamina and fitness and gradually introduce periods of jogging into your exercise. Beginner training programmes are ideal for those who already do some running but wish to build their speed and stamina. These training programmes contain a mixture of activates to build strength and endurance and include rest days to allow your body to recover.It is also a good idea to spend a little time learning about the biomechanics of running – how the body works to allow you to move at speed – as well as understanding the principles behind the most common running techniques. There are three broad running styles, sprinting, fast running and jogging, and each involve using the body in different ways, from the point at which the foot first strikes the ground to bringing your other leg through for the next step. Understanding how each style works will help you to maximise your performance and efficiency.In a discipline as diverse as running, you will generally find that there is no shortage of opinion and advice but it is often worth keeping the words of an experienced runner in mind when trying out a new technique, beginning a new training program or setting a new goal for yourself. Just the knowledge that somebody else has been in your position in the past and achieved their own goals can be a great motivator. It is also a good idea to find a running buddy with a similar level of ability to you to provide encouragement and to help support you on those occasions when you would rather do anything but go for a run.Often joining a running club, even if you only attend every so often, can be a great way of finding running training help. Many towns and cities are home to clubs and groups aimed specifically at beginners and going for a run with them can often be a great social occasion as well as a good opportunity to get some exercise.

Isla is a part of the digital blogging team at who work with brands like Bupa. For more information about me, or to keep up to date with the latest in lifestyle news, check out my posts at or visit my Twitter account, @awnow

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