God?s Miracles

February 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape


To many a miracle is an act of God. This meaning God making the supposedly impossible possible by for instance creating the world in six days or parting the Red Sea or other such acts which we human beings are simply not capable of yet in all this there is one thing many people have never taken note of and this being the bible does not make use of the word miracles but wonders. I for my part even recall how on one occasion I asked a biblical scholar why it was that God’s works were called miracles? My question being that if God were so powerful then why would his actions be referred to as such. It was then that I received an answer which in a small way surprised me when I heard this man say (this being before I had read the bible) that the bible does not make us of the word “miracles” but wonders. As to God or so it is said these deeds (which to us are impossible) are nothing compared to his powers which are supposed to be limitless. This man would go on to tell me that it us who have called God’s works miracles and not God himself or at least not in the bible.

Of course before we can distinguish the difference between one and the other we should define these two which I would do so in the following manner. First a miracle being when somebody or something does what given his or her or its possibilities should be impossible which does not mean that for another person or thing the same action is not possible. For instance for a man to jump out a ten story building and fly through the air (unassisted by any sort of devices) would be a miracle however for a bird to perform this very same task would be considered the most natural thing. There are many examples I could give of this, like that for a woman to deliver a child is considered a simple act of nature or even something wonderful (depending on the point of view) but for a man to do the same would be considered a miracle. As he would be doing what to him should be impossible given the biological reality of his anatomy.

All of which leading to the conclusion (based on these facts) that it is not miracles but wonders that are performed by God. If in fact there is one and that is how we choose to view them however there are those languages like Polish in which there is only one word for both. This meaning the language does not differentiate between one and the other. This being the case though there is a clear difference between not only these two words but doings.

I for my part have always found it strange how it is that every time something happens (even till this day) that people fail to understand how it could have come about; it is almost always classified as a miracle. As might be the case with a person who was diagnosed with terminal cancer and was suddenly and inexplicably cured or a tornado (or some such natural phenomenon) sweeping through a town; destroying every house in its path but one in the middle of many whose owners were not so fortunate. Many might ask how something of the sort could be and since few have answers they simply put it down to what had to have been an act of God yet I ask just because we do not know the answer does this by necessity mean this had to have been the case? There are many things we human beings have yet to understand or simply do not have a logical explanation for which to a certain degree makes it presumptuousness on the part of some to assume that if we do not have an answer other than God; one can not possibly exist.

In this however I wish to make it clear that I am not claiming that God does not exist or my creed holds that he does not or that the deed in question was not his doing but merely asking how do we know? Naturally myself always being of the idea that believe in and of itself is proof of nothing. An example of which being how the people of ancient times also believed that when ever lighting struck the action was being caused by a man named Zeus who inhabited mount Olympus; only to many years later have it confirmed that this was not an act of a deity but of nature which today we can explain without the slightest doubt as to how it is produced.

As for another thought concerning the issue of miracles or God’s wonders which many might not be aware of. There is a part in the bible (in the new testament) that claims that there will come a time when many wonders (not miracles) will occur that are unexplainable to us which will take shape in many forms such as the ones I have already mentioned in this article and many will believe these to be the hand of God but the reality will be another. This fragment of the bible which states the above mentioned is in revelations which also makes note of how when these wonderful acts yet not God related start to occur; it will signify the begging of the end of not only humanity but our world.

In conclusion I would like to make it clear that I am not claiming the acts of God or disclaiming them as reality. For I can not in earnest state that I know them to be or not to be as such but what I do declare with certainty is that I believe that we should not assume by faith that every time an act happens which we can not explain that God had to have been responsible for it. This being the case since even the bible states that such a time will come when such wonders will take place which are not in the least connected to God. As for who they are connected to this the bible does not make reference to apart from how when they begin the end of the world will be at hand.



My name is Gianni Truvianni, author of many an article to be found on the internet along with the book “New York’s Opera Society”. My works also include the books “What Should Not Matter”, “Love Your Sister” and several others which still remain unpublished though I am presently looking to change this.


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