Great Arm Toning Exercises For Women

June 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Nick Jervis

Great Arm Toning Exercises For Women – Health – Fitness

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Do you long for those toned arms, the type that gives you confidence when wearing that slinky dress or close fitting t-shirt? Are you trying to lose bingo wings, surplus arm fat, or just want to improve your arm tone slightly?

You do? Then your prayers have been answered! And what is most important is that these exercises will not give you bulging biceps!

The ‘bicep curl’ exercise is a simple yet effective way of targeting the front area of the upper arms. Performing this exercise regularly along with the Triceps exercises (see my previous ‘Flabby Arms’ article) will result in great looking arms, ones that you can’t wait to show to potential admirers and will get people asking you what your secret is! As you know from previous articles there is no magic solution, just a little hard work on your part that has a great pay off!

As always if you haven’t got any dumbbells then a pair of water bottles or cans of food would be a great alternative. Anything in fact that is evenly weighted and comfortable to hold on to.

The Method

* Stand upright, looking ahead with shoulders pulled back.

* You can also perform this exercise sitting on a sturdy chair or Stability Ball.

* Have a dumbbell in each hand and elbows tucked in.

* Slowly curl the dumbbells up towards the shoulders area by bending your elbows.

* Do this in a smooth, controlled movement, keeping your elbows tucked in and breathing freely at all times.

* Stop the curl movement when the dumbbells get close to your shoulder area.

* Pause at the top of the movement and then slowly return the dumbbells to the start position.

You’ve just completed 1 repetition or rep. Repeat the above steps until you have completed a set of 12-15 repetitions. Aim to perform 3 sets of 12-15 reps.

Ladies if you’re reading this and worrying that you’re going to get bulky biceps like Arnie then read on! Put simply, you won’t, you’d have to be lifting some really heavy weights to bulk up. The weights that you are lifting should be light enough to perform 3 sets of 12-15 reps, with the final rep being a bit of struggle. So you wont putting on muscle bulk, what it WILL do however is to help produce lean muscle, which is what you’re aiming for.

Additionally males have a higher level or testosterone which is another reason why females will find it very difficult to add muscle bulk and size.

So ladies get on the weights and starting curling!

About the Author

Want to know the secrets for how to Lose Tummy Fat?Read more Flatter Tummy Exercises?Nick Jervis is a website marketing consultant to Flatten That Tummy.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Nick Jervis

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Want to know the secrets for how to Lose Tummy Fat?Read more Flatter Tummy Exercises?Nick Jervis is a website marketing consultant to Flatten That Tummy.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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