Great Arm Workout

February 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Tricep Exercises

I’m not a big fan of one day being an arm workout, but I’ve gotten a few questions on a good arm day.  So, I thought I would deliver. 

To have an effective arm day, you have to pay attention to your rest and recovery time. This routine should be used in a 4-5 days a week exercise routine.  You should only do this arm workout alone and don’t add other muscle groups.  Try and rest at least 1 day between this arm day and both chest and back days. For example, your split may be chest day 1, legs day 2, arms day 3, shoulders day 4, back day 5. 

Like in all my routines, I recommend adding 5 pounds each week you complete all the reps assigned.  This routine will be a higher rep routine. We are focusing on getting down to the deep muscle tissue to stimulate growth.

Inside Grip Pull Ups 3 sets of 12 reps

French Press (Skullcrushers) 3 sets of 12 reps

Inside Grip Push Ups  3 sets of Near Failure*

Dumbbell Bicep Curl   3 sets of 12 reps

Tricep Pressdowns  3 sets of 12 reps

*Near Failure – I want you to perform at least 15 reps but stop 3-5 reps before muscle failure.  You will have to determine this by paying attention to your muscles. 

Try this arm workout and let us know how it did.  It’s a solid arm workout that can definitely add some muscle and definition to your arms. 

You don’t want to leave muscle building only up to the exercises you do.  You will have to focus on nutrition as well.  Eat big and healthy and you will see quality results real quick.

If you’re looking to build up some nice ladies legs for the beach season, check out my blog, Go Healthy Fitness.

More Great Arm Workouts Articles

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