Great Exercises for Tricep

March 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Tricep Exercises


Exercises for Tricep:

I prefer to merge my triceps and chest workouts when performing exercises for triceps. I experience that incorporating the two is effective to get a better defined upper body. You’re going to want to hit your triceps with a variety of tricep and chest workouts. I like to begin off with cable crossovers to warm things up.

Cable Crossovers:

Bend your legs slightly and lean forward.
Stand in the middle along with your arms and hands extended out and grab the pull handles hanging down from the posts.
Leaning forward with your chest out and back straight you’re going to pull the handles towards the center until contacting them in front of you.
Take 4-5 secs to generate this movement.
Then gradually reverse the movement another 4-5 secs back to the resting position.
Accomplish 4 sets of 8-10 reps – Be sure to use lighter weight then you usually do to get the full sets in.

The movement ought to be smooth along with your back straight and chest out.

This particular is among the one of the better exercises for tricep warm-up, because it hits each evenly and stretches your muscles.

Weight Bench:

I like to do a fast burst away from my chest then slow down 3/4 of the way up (this activates the tricep muscles more).
Changing your hand placement will affect the focus of the muscles getting worked.
The close grip is ideal for hammering both your triceps and interior chest.
Keep your arms at a 45 degree angle from your body. This will help to engage the best combo of chest muscles, front delts and tricep muscles for the effort.
Focus on compressing your shoulder blades together. This gives you with a solid base to shoot the bar up from.
Gripping the bar like your life depended on it will stimulate your triceps more also.


Great work out integrating most of your upper body muscles.
Lower the body till your arms is at a 90 degree angle and your chest is even with the top of the dip stand.
Push the body up until your arms are straight and then lower yourself and duplicate this motion as many times as you are able to.
For even more advanced users you can incorporate a weight belt with chain and fasten weights for added resistance.

You will find numerous additional workout routines for tricep muscles, but I find these to do the best job for a great overall tricep and chest workout.

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