Hammer Nutrition – 6 Reasons Why Endurance Athletes Can Benefit

February 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Article by Mark Holowaychuk

Hammer Nutrition supplements are extremely popular products by athletes. To put it simple…it’s because they work and work well. Millions of kilometres have been travelled by water, bike and foot fuelled by nothing more than these great products. There are however a few things that makes these supplements really special. Here are 6 reasons why Hammer Nutrition products are king.

Friendly for Diabetics. Endurance supplements in general are carbohydrate based. They are also in general full of inexpensive fillers and sugars that spike your blood sugar levels all over the place. Hammer Nutrition supplements are different. They use long chain carbohydrates that sustained time-released type effect so that your body burns them more evenly. This is very different from other brands out there.

Athletes Choice. With the big endorsement contracts that get thrown around these days, it’s easy to say that the only reason Mr. Athlete X is using product X is because he is paid to do so. What is unique about Hammer Nutrition supplements is while they do have many sponsored athletes, they have even more athletes who choose to use it as their primary source of fuel for sports and races. No money, no fame, just for the effectiveness of the results the products bring.

Preservative Free. Supplement manufacturers do whatever they can to increase profits. One technique is to increase the shelf life of a product. If the shelf life is longer, the product can be produced in higher volumes and can sit on the shelf longer without expiring. Hammer Nutrition supplements are very unique in that they don’t put preservatives in their products. Their motto is that preservatives aren’t going to help you perform better, so why put anything in the product that might potentially take away from its effectiveness?

Premium Ingredients. Erring on the cheap side when it comes to ingredients in supplements is really easy. Everyone is trying to cut corners one way or another. One things that Hammer Nutrition has found is that natural ingredients work better and by using natural ingredients inside of supplements (albeit at a higher manufacturing cost) the athletes who used the products performed better. Thus their line uses natural versions of the ingredients to provide maximum benefit to the athletes.

Great Taste. With many endurance sports you are required to drink quite a bit of a supplement. Over time if the product flavour isn’t quite the best, you can really start to dislike a product. What is great with Hammer Nutrition is they create such amazing flavours. They even have many of the products that you would use for long duration prepared to be subtlety flavoured. This means that the flavour isn’t overbearing or too sweet. It is just the right flavour.

Designed by Athletes. Nothing is worse than having supplements designed with little to no input from the actual users of the products. Luckily for Hammer Nutrition users, their products are designed by their owner and top management team, which happen to all be endurance athletes. This means that ever Hammer product that goes out on the market, has already been created to fill a purpose and solve an issue that an athlete already has encountered. The right product for the right situation.

At the end of the day, Hammer Nutrition supplements are something that anyone should consider if they want to play any sport at a high level. Not that you need a supplement to play as this is untrue. It is just if you want to fuel your body properly and ensure you are not depriving your body of essential minerals and such, fueling becomes mandatory at the higher levels. What is great with these products is they are friendly for diabetics, the athletes choice and even preservative free. They use premium ingredients, taste great, even designed by the very athletes who use them. If you are in the market for any type of endurance supplement, the brand to definitely take a look at and read up more on is Hammer Nutrition.

To get the best information on Hammer Nutrition Review, visit my website that also has information on Perpetuem.

Coffee as a Supplement - Bodybuilding, Caffeine, strength, and performance

scoobysworkshop.com In this video were gonna talk about my number one favorite supplement, caffeine! Caffeine is a cheap and effective supplement for bodybuilders and endurance athletes alike. In this video we will talk about what kind of caffeine to take, how much to take, when to take it, caffeine tolerance, and also about what the research says. Caffeine comes in different forms and surprisingly, coffee is not the best way! Several studies have shown that the anhydrous caffeine in the pill form is more effective in improving perfomance than the caffeine in coffee. If you want to maximize your performance, you should use the pill form. Two added benefits of using caffeine pills, first its far cheaper. For the price of one fancy starbucks coffee you can buy a bottle with 100 doses of caffeine in it. The second benefit of using the caffeine in pill form is that you know your exact dosage. Speaking of dosage, lets talk about how much to use. Oddly enough, more is not better. Several studies have shown that there is no increase in strength or endurance if you consume more than the recommend amount of caffiene. This makes caffeine unlike many other supplements. So, how much should you take? The research shows there is no benefit to taking more than 6mg/KG before your sports activity, I would recommend half that or 3mg/kg – so for a 150lb person thats 200mg. Take your caffeine about an hour before your lifting session and take it at most once per day. If you dont want the

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