HCG Diet Drops vs Jillian Michaels vs ProShapeRx.

February 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

Article by Marvin Wallace

If you are Serious about Reducing Excess Body Fat

Everyone by now has heard of the BMI, or Body Mass Index that is being utilized to gage the amount of body fat that you have and to give a range of what is healthy for you. Basically the BMI is a measurement of body weight that is based on your own weight and height. It doesn’t really actually measure the percentage of your body fat that you have, it is used as a guideline to estimate what your body weight should be based on your height. It has now become a very widely used and accepted practice to identify whether a person is overweight, or even underweight. It is nothing new — having been invested in the mid 1800’s but it has become increasing popular along with the wide range of health and diet aids that have hit the market over the last few decades.

There are lots of quick and easy online tools to access your own personal BMI, but basically it is a calculation of your current weight against your height. A ‘normal’ range of BMI is estimated to be between 18.5 and 24.9. A survey conducted in 1994 indicated that over 59% of American men and 49% of American women were over 25%. A 2007 survey now states that 63% of people are now over 25%. That is a startling statistic and certainly one that indicates that losing weight is more critical than ever as that trend needs to be reduced.

Scoring a BMI that is over 30 indicates that you are on the wrong track and that losing weight should be a primary focus to regain your health. But sometimes it can be daunting on where you can go to start to lose that weight and reduce your BMI. But luckily for you there have been teams of researchers and doctors who have been doing the homework for you and have now formulated a weight loss system that not only works, but is also comprised of 100% natural ingredients.


This weight loss system will help you not only lose weight but also reduce your body fat. You will start to notice immediate results even after only seven days. You will start to lose your cravings and the hunger pangs will soon be a thing of the past. Once you lose those two main deterrents to sticking to a healthier way of eating, your body fat will start to decrease significantly. Your BMI will start to decrease and that will help reduce other health factors associated with being overweight.

Just think of plugging your new weight into the BMI calculator and watching as you become closer to that goal number of 25. With the ProShape RX weight loss system, you will find it easier to stick to your goals and soon you will be at your ideal weight and your ideal BMI in no time. The ProShapeRX system is guaranteed to give you the results you need or your money back. In fact, for a limited time, you can have a free 30 day trial to get you started. So what do you have to lose except that excess weight? Order your free trial today and get started on that optimum BMI goal!

For more information, go to ProShapeRX.com.

HCG Diet Drops

Day 1-2During the first two days of your program, (while taking the HCG drops) we ask that you eat as you normally do, but please do not over eat. This is a very important step in the diet because it prepares the body for the weight reduction program. This also allows time for the HCG to get into your system thus cutting your appetite so that you may avoid the possibility of suffering from hunger. Make sure and take 25 drops (this will amount to 1/2 to 3/4 of a dropper) of the HCG liquid before each meal.

Day 3-15+Your weight loss protocol begins on day three. At this point you MUST follow the prescribed program without deviation. Eating more food than the plan allows, or consuming foods that are not allowed, will only cause an immediate weight gain. It is also important that you correct any deviations. Should deviations occur, you must return immediately to the stated diet plan. Make sure to continue taking 25 drops (this will amount to 1/2 to 3/4 of a dropper) of the HCG liquid before each meal.

Jillian Michaels Diet

Jillian has combined years of training experience with the weight-loss secrets from her success on NBC’s hit series The Biggest Loser to create her proven online program. This is your real solution to weight loss. Change your life by following Jillian’s triple-threat approach to success: self, science, and sweat.

Self: Learn how to change your behaviors to finally reach your goals.•Inspiration and advice from Jillian•Weight-Loss Buddies who share your goals•Message Boards for daily motivation•Calorie Calculator & Interactive Weight Tracker•Jillian’s 7 Steps to Behavioral Modification

Science: Eat right for your metabolism.•100s of metabolism-boosting recipes•Meal Plans and Menus for your body type•Special food guides to help you eat right•Customized info on your metabolic rate

Sweat: Train your body for serious weight loss•151 printable exercises you can do from home•Cardio workouts that you enjoy•Complete Muscle Manual•Fitness Advice Videos

So lets sum it all up

ProshapeRx takes a natural approach using natural ingredients.

HGC Diet Drops takes a medical approach.

Jillian Michaels takes the old fashioned approach.

And last but not least always consult with your doctor first.

My name is Marvin, Im a stay at home dad and I enjoy working from home and spending time with my family and friends. In my spare time I enjoy creative writing and posting articles about different topics. Thank you for reading my article.

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