HCI Fitness PhysioStep RXT-1000 Recumbent Elliptical Trainer

March 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Elliptical Trainers

  • Innovative recumbent elliptical cardio machine for the home for wide range of users and age groups
  • Provides combined total body workout, or dedicated upper- or lower-body workouts
  • Comfortable seat with mirco-adjustment sliding positioning system and contoured back rest
  • Large easy-to grip contact heart rate sensors; includes Polar-compatible wireless HRM sensor
  • Lifetime warranty on the frame, 3 years for mechanical and electronic parts

Product Description
The PhysioStep RXT – Recumbent Elliptical Cross Trainer is the latest innovation in exercise technology. It provides a stress-free, effective and low-impact total body workout! The PhysioStep combines a relaxing recumbent sitting position with the natural motion of an elliptical, to create a truly unique fitness experience. The PhysioStep is designed to benefit a wide range of users and age groups including active aging, deconditioned and rehab training. This unit i… More >>

HCI Fitness PhysioStep RXT-1000 Recumbent Elliptical Trainer

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