Health Benefits of Aerobic Exercises – Key Things You Should Definitely Know

December 8, 2011 by  
Filed under Aerobic Exercises

Article by Tyler Freeman

Aerobic exercises are workouts done with the utilization of oxygen to improve the conditions of the heart, lungs and blood vessels. It usually involves the large muscles of the legs, back and chest and is done at moderate intensity for a longer period of time so that carbohydrate is turned into energy. When the carbohydrate stores in the form of glycogen in the liver and muscles have become depleted, the body will metabolize fat to fuel the activity. Since this is a slow process, the individual exercising will feel fatigue and energy loss unless the person gets a little rest or guzzles up energy drinks to maintain the energy levels.

Because this kind of workout improves the oxygen-carrying capacity of your heart and lungs, it is highly beneficial for health. However, for aerobic exercises to achieve their desired effects, they must be performed for at least twenty minutes a day for a minimum of three times a week. Examples of workouts that develop your cardiovascular system are swimming, bicycling, running, dancing, jogging, power walking and climbing the stairs.

One of the best health benefits that can be derived from adhering to an aerobic regimen is reducing your risk of dying prematurely from cardiovascular disease. As air is taken in and expended out of the lungs, the muscles involved in respiration are strengthened and developed. Together with this, the heart muscle is also enlarged and fortified, improving its efficiency in pumping blood in and out of the system. When the heart and lungs are enhanced and circulation is improved, blood pressure gets reduced and more red blood cells in the body facilitate the transport of oxygen throughout the tissues.

Aerobic programs like the P90X workout do not only have beneficial effects to the lungs and heart. All the muscles in the body are made stronger as well with a regular aerobic regimen. High-impact aerobic activities like jogging also stimulate bone growth, reducing the risk of osteoporosis. With regular activity and a healthy diet, the risk of developing diabetes is also greatly lowered.

For athletes in training and even those who seek to amplify their workout sessions, aerobic exercises also augment the storage capacity of energy molecules, increasing stamina and endurance. Those seeking to lose weight will also find aerobic training beneficial since it improves the ability of muscles to utilize fats during exercise which results in the shedding of excess pounds. Because a greater portion of energy for vigorous intensities are generated aerobically, metabolism is also increased which also aids your weight loss efforts. When done regularly, aerobic workouts also enable the muscles to recover faster, allowing the body to do more exercises for more health benefits. Finally, aerobic exercises also encourage the body to release “feel good” hormones that reduce stress, lower incidence of depression and improve a person’s overall mental health.

So if you want improved heart and lung function, hastened weight loss, increased stamina and endurance, reduced stress and overall better health, then make aerobic workouts a part of your daily fitness routine. Strive for moderate-intensity exercises on most days of the week to get the best results.

Lastly, don’t forget to look over this review of the P90X workout and also this writeup of the Shakeology meal replacement product.

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