Healthy Eating – Choose Healthy Eating and Eat Yourself Slender Effortlessly

May 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Healthy Living

Article by Celia Westberry

Healthy Eating – Choose Healthy Eating and Eat Yourself Slender Effortlessly – Health – Weight Loss

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Whenever people find out that I wrote a wellness cookbook, instantly the conversation turns to weight loss. At first I used to be annoyed…Since my book is about a certain way to eat that keeps you extremely healthy as it slows aging. Now I am beginning to understand why. Here are some of my ‘Eat Yourself Younger’ ideas that you can easily adopt to kiss your weight problem goodbye permanently.

The word diet is associated with deprivation, eating less and joylessness. People can usually experience this for 30 days. Then they expect a big reward like being able to brag – I lost 30 pounds in and 30 days. Every weight loss advertisement keeps people in this cycle of short lived success. After 30 days you are back on the roller coaster going up, up!!!

Why not change your mind about dieting and try to eat more! At least eat more nutrient dense food. For breakfast you can shift from eating one super size muffin to eating one egg and one slice of multigrain bread. Commercial muffins have as much as 500 calories, body unfriendly sugars, trans fats and white flour. These are documented ‘not good for you’ food that keeps sugar cravings high. You have heard this over and over from the media. An egg with about 76 calories, has complete proteins, and the brain sustaining fat, lecithin. One slice of multigrain bread gives whole grain fiber, no trans- fats or high fructose corn sugar and about 150 calories even with a pat of butter. It satisfies longer and the fiber keeps your colon healthy. 3 cheers for healthy eating!

Make an effort to be more aware of the nutrient content of food. The easiest way to do this is to read labels and cook fresh food. Almost all commercial food has extensive mandatory labels. This is a good thing! It helps you to control the food market and avoid buying foods with fluff ingredients and little benefit that can also cause weight gain and health problems.

Resolve to change your mind about the dieting game. Try not to change all of your food habits at once. However, become conscious of healthy eating and pick one food habit that you know to be the culprit. Decide to reward yourself by eliminating one bad food habit that’s been giving you guilty joy for years.

I successfully did this with Coke. I used to have a can of Coke for breakfast. ‘Cringe’ my doctor convinced me that 9 teaspoons of sugar and the acidity in coke was just too much for me. So here is a food that I was getting comfort from that was ruining my stomach. Once I linked my food choices to discomfort, it was easy to overcome the food craving. Now I associate food with feeling great. And that is very comfortable! I now cringe when I see 2 and 3 year old kids being given Coke by their parents. Because it is difficult to change your mind about the unhealthy foods you innocently craved as a child.

Seriously consider the kinds of sugar in your diet. Natural sugars from fruit keeps your weight more balanced than concentrated sugar in juice and sweetened drinks.Eat 80% less prepared and commercial foods. They have additives and substances to improve shelf life, and even ingredients that cause you to eat more and still get fewer nutrients. Eating healthy fresh food to get slender brings permanent success… You might even get surprised at all you can eat to get slender and healthy. So, find some time and a fresh food cookbook. Where is the pain and deprivation in that? Go slowly; you can’t undo a lifetime of poor eating habits in 30 days. But you can eat yourself slender or eat yourself younger for the rest of your life.

About the Author

Celia Westberry M.S is the author of Eat Yourself Younger Effortlessly- The easy way to slow aging, feel great, and look good. She helps people to eat their best every day to be healthier, happier and more fulfilled. To get her free eBook: Secrets of Healthy Eating Revealed click: HereTo get her book with healthy eating recipes for one or two click here: EYYECopyright Celia Westberry 2007. All rights reserved.

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Celia Westberry

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Celia Westberry M.S is the author of Eat Yourself Younger Effortlessly- The easy way to slow aging, feel great, and look good. She helps people to eat their best every day to be healthier, happier and more fulfilled. To get her free eBook: Secrets of Healthy Eating Revealed click: HereTo get her book with healthy eating recipes for one or two click here: EYYECopyright Celia Westberry 2007. All rights reserved.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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