Healthy Eating Tips

March 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

Base meals around starchy foods: Such foods include rice, potatoes, pasta, cereal and bread. Choose wholegrain varieties as these options contain more fibre which helps to keep you feeling fuller for longer. Always try to include at least one starchy food with every main meal. It is believed that starchy foods are fattening, however, when you compare them gram for gram, they actually contain fewer calories of fat.
Eat plenty of fruit & vegetables: It is suggested that we eat at least five portions of different kinds of fruit and vegetables each day. A glass of fruit juice, which is unsweetened, counts as one portion. Add a banana to your breakfast cereal or snack on dried fruit to increase your five a day intake. Cooking schools in London are a great way for you to learn how to include different types of foods into your diet as well learning and experimenting with new recipes and ideas.
Drink lots of water: Try and drink at least six-eight glasses of water every day to prevent dehydration. In warmer weather you may need to drink more. Avoid fizzy drinks as they contain added sugars.
Eat lots of fish: Fish is a great source of protein and also contains various minerals and vitamins. Try to eat at least two portions each week, including at least 1 portion of oily fish. Oily fish is high in omega-3 fats and can help prevent heart disease. Fish can be fresh, frozen or canned.
Reduce intake of saturated fats and sugar: Although we require fat in our diet, it is crucial to pay attention to the kind of fats that we eat. There are two main types of fat: saturated and unsaturated. Saturated fat can increase the level of cholesterol in the blood, which can increase the risk of developing heart disease.  Saturated fats are found in cakes, butter, biscuits, hard cheese and cream. Choose foods which contain unsaturated fats i.e.  Oily fish, vegetable oils and avocados.

Sugary foods/drinks are high in calories, which contribute to weight gain. Fizzy drinks, biscuits and cakes also contain added sugars. These added sugars are what we need to reduce and replace with natural sugars, i.e. those found in fruits. If something is 15g of sugar per 100g, it is high in sugar.

Decrease salt intake: Although you may not add salt to your food, you could still be eating too much of it. Three quarters of the salt we eat has been added to the foods we buy, for instance, breads, sauces and breakfast cereals. Consuming too much salt can increase blood pressure. Those with high blood pressure are more susceptible to develop heart disease or suffer a stroke. No more than 6g of salt should be eaten a day. More than 1.5g of salt per 100g indicates that the food is high in salt.
Be active and maintain a healthy weight: Healthy eating plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy weight. By being overweight you can suffer health conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease. If you want to lose weight, then reduce foods that are high in sugar and fat and eat lots of fruit and vegetables. Taking part in physical activity will also help maintain a healthy weight. You can take part in corporate cooking classes to help you learn how to cook in a fun and interactive way as well as learn how to make new and healthy recipes for yourself and your family.



Try not to go more than four or five hours without eating. Learn more about proper healthy snacking with tips from a certified nutritionist in this free health video. Expert: Ken Babal Bio: Ken Babal is a certified nutritionist. He now has his own private practice. Filmmaker: Nili Nathan
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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