Here is How to stop a lower back pain

March 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Lower Back Exercises

Article by Rob Maraby

For most people, a nagging back pain could be an indication of a muscle imbalance!

Muscle imbalance arises when you train a body part like abs without training its corresponding but opposite muscle-the lower back!

So If you are someone who works their abs without working their lower back, you could be setting yourself up for a back pain!

Muscle balance is a vital component to injury prevention. Whether you chose to lift weights or use water resistance or calisthenics to maintain muscle strength and endurance, you need to focus on muscle balance. The major muscle group’s work in pairs and those muscle pairs need to be balanced in terms of strength and flexibility.

Low back pain is a classic example of muscle pair imbalance. Not all low back pain is caused by muscle imbalance, but much of it is. In this case the pain results from a forward tilt of the pelvis and involves two pairs of muscles.

In order to understand this example, imagine the pelvis with 4 strings attached. The two strings are attached to the top of the pelvis and hold the front and back of the “bowl” up in correct position.

The two strings attached to the bottom hold it down in correct position. If those four strings lose their balance, then the “bowl” can tip either forward or backward. The abdominal muscles hold the pelvis up in front and usually become too weak and their partner, the erector spinae which holds the pelvis up in back usually becomes too strong.

The iliopsoas muscle which pulls the pelvis down in front usually becomes too strong, while the partner, the gluteals, which hold the pelvis down in back becomes too weak.

The result is a forward tilt which increases the curvature of the lower back and places too much pressure on the spine in that area, causing pain.

,So what is the solution? Follow your ab workouts with a lower back workout! Again this can be done using a bed or the floor!here is the solution:Leg raises to strengthen back and hip muscles.

Lie on your stomach. Tighten the muscles in one leg and raise it from the floor. Hold your leg up for a count of 10 and return it to the floor. Do the same with the other leg. Repeat five times with each leg.

Perform this lower back workout after every ab workout your perform

Rob Maraby is the author of 25 fitness books, his latest book is the fast abs program- a simple way to get six pack abs in just 4 minutes using nothing but your couch, check it out at

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