High Intensity Strength Training for Women…What is it and How to Do it

March 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

Article by Mohamad Al

Women’s High Intensity Strength Training can be one effective strategy to get great benefits in terms of strength, toning up, or weight loss.

It is all about how you can shape your workouts to get the end results. High Intensity Strength Training for Women can accomplish that, but first let me

explain what High Intensity Strength Training is, then I will provide you with some examples that you can learn from so you can design your workouts similarly.

High Intensity Strength Training is done by increasing the volume of training with more repetitions, increasing the volume of sets, increasing the lifted weight per

exercise, or taking less interval rests. There are many coaches who would agree that high intensity is when the weight is lifted is heavier which in their terms makes

the workout called “high intensity” and many others would agree with above definition I have provided.

So let me give you examples of Women’s High Intensity Strength Training and you can choose the one you desire, but I do recommend you try each one for a few weeks as they all have their body metabolic benefits.

More Repetitions

Performing more repetitions will increase the load of the workout as you total it at the end of the workout. So for example,

If you perform 3 sets and 15 repetitions of 20 pound dumbbell Curls, then at the end of your session you have lifted = 3 sets X 15 reps = 45 repetitions X 20 Ibs = 900 Ibs total.

More Sets

If we take the same above example, but this time we perform 6 sets and not 3 but fewer repetitions for 8 and stick with the same weights which is a 20 pound dumbbell.

6 sets??? X 8 repetitions = 48 repetitions X 20 Ibs = 960 pounds total.

More Weights

6 sets X 6 repetitions = 36 repetitions X 25 pounds = 900 pounds in total.

And here is the last High Intensity Strength Training manipulation, and that is the reduced amount of interval rests between each set which will result in more sets, more repetitions, or more lifted weights.

Mohamad is an online entrepreneur. Visit his website on fitness and wellness for women where you’ll find fitness information you can benefit from. Do you want to learn how to quickly and easily create an online business? If so, check this out: internet marketing training

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