Hip Flexibility – How Hip Stretches Work

June 2, 2012 by  
Filed under Stretching

Article by Dianne M. Buxton

Hip Flexibility – How Hip Stretches Work – Health – Fitness

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There are many good reasons to be concerned about the flexibility of your hip muscles as you get older. Strength is also a factor, as the pressure on bone from muscle use helps promote bone density. While all your muscles must be kept healthy, your hip muscles are key for retaining balance and an even gait as you get older.

Even if you exercise regularly, and you have strength in those muscles, preventing falls or over-exertion injuries involves knowing how to stretch your hip muscles routinely, and effectively.

Hip flexibility is important. Hip stretches will help balance the tension in the hips, and prevent strength training from resulting in spasms or soreness. Muscle relaxation increases muscle tone, as tense muscles cannot function with the same strength as relaxed, stretched muscles.

A stretching routine that includes the whole body is the runner’s lunge, used by athletes and dancers every day.

Another advantage to proper stretching is that circulation is increased in the muscles, and overall.

Begin new stretches with care and ease. Forcing a new stretch may cause tiny muscle tears that will become inflamed. A mild soreness after stretching is to be expected, but not real pain.

To become more flexible at the front of the hip you will stretch:***the quadriceps muscles at the front of the thighs***the psoas muscle that runs from the top of the front of the thigh over the hip bone and up into the front of your spine.

To become more flexible at the side and back of the hips you will stretch:***the ballet turnout muscles. Your lateral rotator muscles are your prime turnout muscles, specifically: Piriformis;Obturator Internus;Obturator Externus;Quadratus Femoris; Gemellus Superior; Gemellus Inferior. These muscles lie underneath your gluts, or “butt muscles’ which can retain much tension from weakness and overuse.

Understanding myofascial release and how that helps you become more flexible is something you can benefit greatly from.

If you are not particularly athletic, the sooner you learn about hip stretches the better. As you age, you can preserve hip strength and balance, preventing falls and hip fractures.

A stretching routine that includes the whole body is the best, starting with the neck muscles and working down. For chronic muscle pain in any area, a full body approach to stretching exercises will serve you best. Balancing the tension in all the muscles supporting your skeleton contributes to easier movement, and a sense of well being. This also helps prevent sports and dance injuries.

About the Author

Get your DVD that includes the details of hip flexibility, all the important body stretches, as well as myofascial release instruction. “Effective Stretching The Ultimate Stretching Guide will show you HOW HIP STRETCHES WORK.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Dianne M. Buxton

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Get your DVD that includes the details of hip flexibility, all the important body stretches, as well as myofascial release instruction. “Effective Stretching The Ultimate Stretching Guide will show you HOW HIP STRETCHES WORK.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.


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