Holiday Exercise Tips – Winter, Thanksgiving, & Christmas

December 15, 2011 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

Article by Kenney My Man Edwards

We all know exercising over the Christmas holiday is extremely hard. With the weather being cold, the gets sun going down earlier and all the extra social commitments there just does not seem to be enough hours in the day to get a work out in.

However, it can be done. These are just a few suggestions to help keep up on exercising through the holiday season by providing you with these 4 Christmas fitness tips.

1) LIVE IN THE GYM:Cold and snowy weather around this time of year can make it too dangerous to do certain types of exercise. Be flexible, if you normally stay active by going cycling or jogging you may have to change your plans and get to the gym. Even though cycling machines and treadmills does not compare to the feeling of being outdoors it is still a better alternative than sitting at home and eating holiday sweets.

2) GIVE INTERACTIVE VIDEO GAMES A TRY:If you are anti gym, try playing interactive video games. They are another option for maintaining your Christmas fitness. PS3 Move Fitness, Nintendo Wii Fit and Xbox 360 Zumba Fitness for the Kinect are some of the major consoles that offer a wide range of interactive fitness games.

3) EXERCISE OUTDOORS:The winter weather makes cycling and jogging almost impossible, however it does allow you to do other outdoor exercises such as ice skating. This is a popular Christmas exercise you can try this year. It only takes 10 minutes of intense ice skating to burn an 100 calories. Clearing snow is a less conventional exercise option that is definitely worth a try. 1 hour of clearing snow burns 400 calories.

4) MAXIMIZE WORKOUTS:During Christmas your time is limited and you are probably not going to have the time to keep up with your regular workout at the same time each day. You probably will not have the time to complete a full workout. Make use of the small slots of time you do have during the day. If you have a social commitment in the evening which means you cannot get to your normal gym class, try and fit in a couple of 20 or 30 minute sessions during the day. Fill your iPod with this week’s top 50 countdown and go for a 30 minute jog in the morning and then a 20 minute walk at lunch time. By being flexible and fitting in short, regular workouts you can maintain your fitness during Christmas even when you cannot complete your normal workout routine.

If you take this advice your can still enjoy yourself some holiday pie and look great even after the holiday season.

Writing about all types of experiences is Kenney’s love. After writing online for over 8 years, he has created a new blog to express his love for music: top 10 hip hop songs this week where he discusses fun topics like: the top 10 downloaded songs this week…

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