How Effective is Resistance Training For Weight Loss?

February 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by Bobby Grecu

Resistance training, also called strength and weight training is a type of workout that involves the use of exercise equipment and machines, and body weight to strengthen the muscles and shape the body. Many people erroneously think that resistance training will make their body get bigger but that is not the case. The main purpose of these types of exercises is increasing the body strength (not its size) and to tone the muscles giving the body an attractive look.

Resistance training programs are appropriate for everyone and are especially recommended for the elderly. The most appropriate for the elderly are standing free-weights resistance or moderately intense seated machine workouts.

How Resistance Training Works

A typical resistance training program includes a wide range of different exercise equipment and machines such as dumbbells, bench presses and barbells. However, this type of training does not necessarily involve the use of exercise equipment. One of the best examples of resistance training without the standard workout equipment and machines are the push-ups in which the muscles are pitted against the body weight. Push-ups can be done just about anywhere as long as there is enough space and do not cost a cent. Training without exercise equipment and machines is therefore a great way to strengthen your body muscles if you are on a budget.

It is recommended to consult with a health care provider before starting any kind of resistance training program, especially if you are having a medical condition or are being overweight or obese because this type of exercise is not the kind of workout that can be explored on your own. Is it very important to choose the proper equipment and to be physically in shape before starting the training.

Main Benefits

– Increased bone mineral density. The bones are constantly remodeling reaching peak during puberty. Bone remodeling typically decreases with aging resulting in problems with mineral bone density, especially in post-menopausal women. One of the best ways to strengthen the bones and maintain a healthy mineral bone density is regular exercise including resistance training.

– Increased muscle strength. Pitting muscles against a weight does not only tone the muscles but makes them stronger.

– Reduced body fat. Resistance training is one of the best types of exercise to burn excess calories and get rid of undesired body fat.

– Enhanced heart health – helps lowering heart rate as well as blood pressure and considerably reduces the risk of heart disease.

– Improved quality of life for the elderly – helps improve overall health of the elderly and reduces the risk of age-related diseases and injuries.

The author helps to provide inside information on the best Weight Loss tips. Visit his latest website on Toddler car seat covers and read his latest article on Kids Leash.

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