How To diet

June 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Slim Down

Many people are unhappy with their weight. There are always complains about one’s body shape, I could have slimmer thighs, i could have a more toned body, i could have a smaller waistline, i could have slimmer arms. There is always something to be unhappy about regarding one’s body shape. There is no point in complaining. Here are some tips on how to diet to achieve the body shape you want.

Always start with breakfast

Many tend to skip their breakfast thinking that it will be less calories a day. This is a very wrong perception on dieting. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If you were to go on a healthy diet. Don’t skip meals thinking that you will be a step closer towards your goal. Start the day on a healthy note, you can eat your favorite ham and sausages, it does not matter as long as you keep the portion size appropriate.

5 small meals a day

5 small meals a day is recommended on those who are on a diet plan. These small meals are to be spread out throughout a day to help you curb your hunger and maintain your metabolic rate for the day. This is one of the ways to help you control your appetite and according to, eating more frequently reduces one’s risk of obesity by decreasing the blood insulin response to long fasts that increase fat storage and weight gain.

Increase your fluid intake

Drink more water is also another successful key on how to diet effectively. When you drink more water, it helps to flush out the toxins in your body. Drinking water before meals can also help to control your appetite so that you would not eat so much solid food. Drink a glass of water the first thing in the morning after you wake up is recommended as this gets your system working and flushing off the toxins.

Watch you calories intake

Watching you calories intake does not mean you have to religiously count every calories that are in every single food that you put into your mouth. Watching your calories intake can mean swapping not so healthy food for healthier options. Instead of fried chicken, try poaching or grilling your chicken, less grease means less calories. Instead of snacking on potato chips, try snacking on fresh fruits or vegetables instead.

Be patient

Do not get frustrated when the pounds do not shed after all the hard work that you have put into dieting. This is not an overnight thing and it might take weeks or even months to see results. Do not be angry or frustrated with yourself when your body takes a longer time to response to the diet plan as compared to other people’s body. Do not compare yourself with the others, every individual’s body respond to various diet plans differently. So do not give up easily!

Stick to the diet plan

Another way on how to diet is to stick to the plan that works for you. Many diet plan takes time for your body to get use to, so do not constantly switch dieting methods every other day. If one plan works for you, please be determine and stick to the plan. Many have failed because they are not persistent enough in following their diet plan. If it does not work for you after a month, then you can consider opting for other choices.

Reduce salty or starchy food intake

Try to avoid salty food like potato chips and crackers as the sodium level in those food will make you want to eat more and drink more. Excessive salt in the body can cause water retention and make you look bloated in many areas especially women. Starchy food like potatoes or breads are best kept to a minimal as these are the fattening agents that contributes to the pounds in your body.

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