How To Do Chest Exercises At Home

June 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Chest Exercises

Article by James Stokes

How To Do Chest Exercises At Home – Health – Fitness

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If you want to know how to do chest exercises at home, without the hassle and cost of going to the gym, you have come to the right place. The exercise I am about to describe is one of the fastest and easiest ways to build up your chest muscles. It takes only a few minutes, depending on how many times you choose to do each excercise, and all you need is space on the floor to do pushups.

This is a high-intensity workout involving doing 60 pushups. One circuit of this workout should take only a few minutes. Essentially you should do 10 types of one pushup, pause to rest for 10 seconds, then 10 of the next type of pushup. To optimize your pushup, place your hands and feet on the floor a little more than shoulder width apart. I will now describe the types of pushup;

Exercise 1: After each pushup, push yourself up from the floor with your hands. I call this the ‘jump pushup’.

Exercise 2: After each pushup bring one hand to your side (Note: your legs must be wide enough on the floor to enable you to balance on one hand). Alternate hands with each pushup.

Exercise 3: Begin the pushup with one hand positioned above your shoulders, and one below. After each pushup, push yourself from the floor and switch the position of each hand, so the hand that was above your shoulders is now below, and vice versa.

Exercise 4: After each pushup, rotate your torso and reach with one arm towards the ceiling. Alternate arms with each pushup.

Exercise 5: After each pushup, lift one hand and place it over the other, then back to its original position. Alternate hands with each pushup.

Exercise 6: This is called a ‘Hindu pushup’. You may want to look this up on YouTube for a demonstration, as it is a little difficult to describe. Start the pushup bent at the waist in an upside-down V shape. Go towards the floor in the pushup, slide forward and then push yourself up. Once in this position, bow your head to the floor, then push yourself back into the original upside-down V position. This is quite a strenuous exercise, but make sure that you complete 10 repetitions, even if you have to take breaks in between.

So now you know how to do chest exercises at home, get started! If you keep to this quick and simple routine once every one or two days, you could and should notice results in a matter of days. When starting out you may only be able to do one set of 60 pushups, but your ability will increase as you repeat the exercises – in order to maximize muscle growth, you should push yourself to do as much as you can. Note: these exercises should also be complmented by a high protein muscle-building diet.

About the Author

James Stokes

Young student based in Surrey and Leicester, interested in and writing articles about films, arts and entertainment, mens’ exercise and health.

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James Stokes

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James Stokes

Young student based in Surrey and Leicester, interested in and writing articles about films, arts and entertainment, mens’ exercise and health.

If you liked this article, go over to my blog:

It gives readers no-nonsense direction to the best resources on the web. On there you will find the best resource for muscle building, with a ton of free videos and stuff. Let me know what you think.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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