How to Do More Pull Ups With 3 Easy Tips

March 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Pull Ups

Many people say that the ultimate test of true strength is the pull up, since it really shows how strong you are in comparison to your own body weight. Here are 3 easy tips to help you do more pull ups:

To Complete Your First Pull Up, Use a Chair

If you can’t yet do one pull up, stand on a chair and do one. This is a good way to train your body to get used to completing the motion and to increase your upper back and shoulder strength. Do this as often as possible (as in, whenever you’re not sore) and watch as soon you’ll be able to complete one pull up without a chair!

Use a Thick Bar

If you use a bar that’s thicker than a normal pull up bar, you’ll be working your muscles harder since it’s harder to grip. If you train on a thick bar, when you finally go back to using a normal bar it will feel easy and you’ll be surprised by how many more pull ups you’ll be able to do!

Push Yourself to Fatigue

If you’re in a rut and can’t increase how many pull ups you can do, try doing them until you’re fatigued.

That means that if you’re used to doing 3 sets of 5, try doing one more set until you literally cannot do any more. This is a great technique to push yourself out of a pull up rut and increase how many pull ups you can do.

There You Have It…

There you have it. Try these tips and watch as you’re able to do more pull ups than ever!

About The Author: Rafi Bar-Lev is an avid athlete who teaches people how to get into shape and get through hard injuries. He is funny, informative, and to the point. He manages to give advice that is just as relevant to someone who is 200 pounds overweight as to a competitive athlete looking for that extra “edge”, which is what makes his site so popular. Learn how to start meeting your fitness goals today and visit his site –

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