How to Gain Muscle Quick

February 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

The most important step for your goal of gaining muscle quickly is the very first one, which is the decision to commit to your workout program. You will have to battle through sore muscles and sacrifices, and it is better to decide ahead of time if you can do it than it is to drop out halfway through.

Once the decision has been made, decide where you want to gain muscle. Different muscles require different workouts. To build your leg muscle, you will need a workout involving running and jumping whereas a focus on your chest and arms will require weight lifting.

Craft a realistic training program for yourself. Don’t force yourself into doing too much at once, as you will only exhaust yourself. Three sessions of weight lifting per week is ideal.

Don’t overdo repetitions; only a small number of them are needed per exercise. Start easy and then challange yourself more and more as the weeks pass by. If you don’t feel sore by the end of the day, you can do more. If you are struggling even several days after the last workout, you need to do less. Slight soreness means your muscles are growing.

Your body will want food every time you work out. Proteins are needed for before and after your workout as they are key for building and repairing muscle tissue. Lean meats provide protein without too much fat. Sweets, alcohol and fried food will only hinder your quest to gain muscle quickly. Small meals, taken often, will help your body burn energy slower over a longer period of time.

Remember to rest.

Working out too much will hurt your muscles, or even damage them. Muscles will grow back bigger and stronger after your stretch them during exercises, but not if you strain them too much. Rotate which muscles you are focusing on over the course of your week to give each muscle group sufficient time to heal.

Sleep for at least 8 hours every night. Your body and muscles will need to rest, and a lack of sleep can hurt your muscle building and also make you feel awful when working out.

Keep your goals realistic and keep track of them. It may take some time and a lot of effort before you start seeing noticeable results. Men also gain muscle faster than women. The only way to be sure to get the best results is to stick to your program. You should talk with your doctor before beginning any stressful training in order to be sure you are healthy enough. Be aware of your body and its limits so that you build muscle quickly, but do so without a painful or crippling injury.


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