How to Gain Weight Fast and Retain it as Muscle Mass

July 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

Article by Peter Dougan

How to Gain Weight Fast and Retain it as Muscle Mass – Health – Fitness

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Many people who are asking the question, how to gain weight fast, are being misinformed and confused by all the conflicting information. How to gain weight fast is one of the most talked about questions in the bodybuilding world. It is being discussed on television, in magazines, diet books, and on the Internet.

How to gain weight fast and build muscle mass is simply a matter of diet and exercise. Many people are not eating enough proteins and eating too many simple carbohydrates. Although, it is very important to achieve a balance between protein, carbs and fats, it’s how many overall calories you consume not what type that is important. You must also subject your body to exercise that stresses your muscles. This is necessary to grow and keep muscle mass.

To gain weight fast and retain the weight gain (muscle mass), there are many factors that will come into play.

* You must eat enough protein, carbs and fats. You must consume all 3 groups in order to build and retain muscle mass. You should also drink lost of water, it is essential if you want to gain weight fast.

* Don’t train too hard. When you train you actually break down muscle cells. Your muscles must have time to recover and grow. Train each muscle group only once or at the most twice a week.

* Don’t train too long, keep your workouts to an hour or less. After about 45 minutes of exercise your cortisol level starts to increase. Cortisol is known to destroy muscle cells.

* Try to increase your reps or weight every time you exercise a particular muscle group. If you don’t, your muscles won’t have any reason to grow.

* If you can afford it use nutritional supplements to help you gain weight fast.

When you ask the question “how to gain weight fast”, there are all kinds of recommendations all throughout the bodybuilding magazines and web sites. One thing that most have in common is they recommend a high protein diet. While I agree that protein is important and necessary to gain weight fast, you must also eat enough calories. Calories are what will give you the energy needed to digest and process the protein into muscle. Calories also give you the energy to exercise which also builds muscle.

As you can see, you need a well balanced diet in order to gain weight fast and to turn that weight into muscle mass. Don’t be taken by all the low carb, high protein, low fat, etc. that are all the rage today. A well balanced diet, consuming lots and lots of calories from carbs, fat and protein will give you the edge in your search for how to gain weight fast.

About the Author

For more information on how to gain weight fast and turn that weight into muscle mass, and also to see some excellent resources please visit:

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Peter Dougan

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For more information on how to gain weight fast and turn that weight into muscle mass, and also to see some excellent resources please visit:

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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