How to Get A Flat Stomach-Stomach Fat Secrets Uncovered

July 2, 2012 by  
Filed under Push Ups

Article by Erik Ortega

How to Get A Flat Stomach-Stomach Fat Secrets Uncovered – Health – Weight Loss

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As you could realize already I’ve been learning how to lose belly fat for the last ten years. I had always been athletic but I usually had a bit of fat on me that I wanted to get rid and learn how to get a flat stomach.

That’s actually what I wanted. I needed to be in a position to walk on the beach and have people stare at my 6-pack abs in amazement. I gave it a try all because, like yourself doubtless, I thought that there had been a fast solution cure all that would magically give me a flat stomach, burning any stomach fat on me. If that came in a supplement, particular exercise or trend diet I didn’t care, I just wanted what works swiftest and simplest. So this went on for five years as I gradually was expecting to find that wondrous technique to answer how to get a flat stomach fast. It wasn’t until I had surgery and lost my job that I learned how to lose belly fat and get a flat stomach.

Why? Because I had no money to speculate in these trick pills or any of those miracle dieting plans. Instead, I had to fall back to the tried and tested method. The method that works better than any other system as has been shown by millions of guys and ladies. That strategy was exercise ceaselessly and diet in the correct way. I mixed an ideal blend into my exercise routine. 2 days each week I devoted to cardiovascular training including either jogging or swimming. A few days separate from the heart training were dedicated to doing total body exercises at about seventy 5 % of my max rep weight. Exercises like squats, pushups, pull ups and lunges became my bread and butter!

As for my diet, I started a diet heavy in protein and kept a keen watch on my carbohydrate intake. I made really sure the foods I might put in my body were all regarded as healthy and I increased the quantity of water I drank to not tax my kidneys from the high intake of protein. If you are like me and still have not worked out how to get a flat stomach and how to lose belly fat, you may like to think about returning to the basic correct dieting and exercise. It worked nicely for me!

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Erik Ortega

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