How to Get in Shape and Stay in Shape

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

It does not take much effort to lose some fat or get in good shape but it is very hard to maintain it. People find it easy to find motivation to exercise for example 2-3 months but exercising for 2-3 years and more is a lot harder. People lose their focus really easily if things do not go according to plan, so knowing exactly how you can get in shape and actually stay in shape is very important.

How to get in shape and stay in shape

First of people have to set themselves specific goals. If you only want to lose weight, then that is good but not good enough. The more specific your goal is the more likely you are to get there. You get set yourself very specific goals like achieving single digit body fat, or losing an x amount of pounds.

If you have set yourself specific goals then the next step is setting measurable goals. If you can´t measure your progress then you can´t tell if you have reached your goal or not.

The mirror is a useful tool to measure your progress but very often the mirror can be very objective. And the scale is also a good way to measure progress but it is not perfect. The scale does not tell you how much fat you have lost of how much lean body mass you have lost. The best way to measure you progress is to weigh yourself and also measure your body fat percentage.

Setting big goals is also very important. If you want to get in shape quick, then you have to dream big. Your goal has to be something that you want not something you think you may achieve. If you want to lose 50 pounds of pure fat, then make this your goal not 20 pounds that you think you may lose. your goal can be even a bit unrealistic but if you believe that it can be done then very often it can.

Also setting short-term and long-term goals is necessary as well.

For example what your ultimate goal is , your 6 month goal, your 3 month goal, Weekly goals (weighing yourself and measuring body fat), daily goals (habits to develop, things to do every day repeatedly) and beating your personal best during your workout for example.

Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle

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