How to Get in Shape like Derrick Rose

May 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by Tom Goscik

How to Get in Shape like Derrick Rose – Sports – Basketball

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Derrick Rose is an unbelievable basketball player and he has skills that many of us wish we had when it comes to basketball. Derrick Rose didn’t get to where he is by sitting on the couch or watching TV wishing he was as good as other players but he trains night and day to be the best. In this post I am going to show you how to get in shape like derrick rose. Derrick Rose when he plays has a lot of speed, endurance and agility. Derrick Rose is six foot three inches and weighs one hundred ninety pounds. One of the things Derrick Rose uses to increase his quickness and agility is by doing agility ladders. Derrick Rose does these agility ladders 6 times and then does a full-force sprint after these ladders to build his speed and acceleration. An agility ladder is a work out where if you are on a basketball court you pick spots to run to and run back. The way Derrick Rose does it is to start at one end of a Basketball court and pick 4 places to run to. After you pick these 4 places you got to run back to the starting area. He usually picks these four spots. The first is a quarter of the court then, he picks the half court line then, three fourths of the court and he finishes with a full run up and down the full court. If you practice this exercise you will begin to see your endurance and speed will go up. The endurance is one that will really improve. The next thing Derrick Rose does is work on his legs. This is one of the most important things to work out when you are playing basketball. Derrick focuses on his vertical leap to make sure he can make those amazing dunks you see. Derrick Rose focuses on doing leg work outs that consist of using both legs and also concentrating on single leg exercises as well. If you want to build your legs Derrick recommends doing one legged squats. This exercise really strengths your legs individually and also all the supporting muscles as well. Some Other exercises Derrick likes to incorporate in his workouts are leg presses and squats. If you are new to working out I would recommend doing leg presses first because squats is a tougher work out and will require you to have proper form. If you do not do squats the right way you can really do some damage to yourself. These exercises will strengthen your lower body and you will start seeing your abilities in speed and endurance really starts to develop. When Derrick Rose is in the off season you better believe he is still trying training just as hard as if he were in regular season. Derrick claims to work his basketball skills in the off season about twice a day. He starts with a ninety minute workout in the mornings and then another sixty minute workout in the evening. This is hard work and dedication. When he’s doing his workouts, he makes sure to take plenty of basketball shots. He averages anywhere from 400 to 1000 shots in a work out. He has a personal basketball trainer that keeps him motivated and also helps him focus on areas where he needs improvements. If you see Derrick’s three point shots lately, he has significantly improved three pointers. This is due to the outside training he does. When he’s in the off season he really strived to improve his shot and boy does it look good. Derrick Rose also has to maintain a healthy diet in order to have the energy and stamina to go as long as he does. This diet includes having a lot of protein and Carb’s. When you’re an athlete of his caliber you have to avoid the junk food. Derrick Rose says that junk food isn’t good for me but I still need to have some every now and then. This is true, you can have sweets in small moderation but you need to really watch what you eat when you play as hard as he does. Derrick says that his favorite item to eat is grilled chicken with pasta or rice. This is a good thing to eat because chicken is very lean and pasta and rice have large amounts of carbs to keep your energy levels up. Derrick also likes to drink milk for strong bones and sports drink and water. Notice that he doesn’t drink any soda. Soda is a bad thing to drink because it is full of lots of sugar and calories that are unnecessary in your diet plan. Soda is bad for you and if you drink it often you will see some negative effects on your body. Once of the biggest things to do in your meal plan is to forget about soda. Water is one of the key elements to keep you lean and hydrated. If you follow this diet you will start to see how shredded you can really get. This is why Derrick looks really muscular when he’s playing ball. If you perform these exercises and follow his meal plan you will start to see yourself looking ripped and in shape. The endurance and speed you will begin to see with be greatly improved. If you practice the leg workouts he has, you will begin to see your legs become stronger and you will see that you are more able to jump higher. Take into account that you will not see this transformation in a day or week but if you work hard and keep yourself focus you will greatly improve your ability to play good on the court. Work hard and make sure you put in an effort and you will be proud of yourself. Who knows, maybe one day you might see Derrick Rose in the gym with you working out. You might also become a basketball player if you do these work outs. Life will only tell but Derrick Rose will be proud of you if you start to do workouts like him and eat like him. Derrick Rose is an All-star player and with this how to, you might be well on your way into the NBA.

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Tommy G bringing the Hot Sauce

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Tom Goscik

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Tommy G bringing the Hot Sauce

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