How To Get Muscle Fast

February 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

Article by Tony Smith

In order to getmuscle fast, let’s start off with the basics. The foundation of what will help you continually put on muscle day after day after day. What I’m going to share with you are two very powerful ways of getting muscle. When you’re done reading this article, you’ll know exactly how to get muscle fast.

Powerhouse Tip #1

The first tip is pretty simple. It’s the nutrition part of getting muscle fast. You have to consume alot of calories. Which means, you should be eating at least 6 or 7 times a day. Try to eat every 2 hours. Most of your foods should consist of proteins (meats, protein shakes, eggs, yogurts, cottage cheese, etc.) and carbohydrates (breads, fruits, pastas, potatoes, rice, etc.).

Another quick pointer is to add in red meat if possible. If you’re a vegetarian, tofu or veggie burgers are ok.

Try to aim for 1-2 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight. And 2-3 grams of carbohydrates per pound of bodyweight. That means, if you’re 180 pounds. You should eat between 180-360 gram of protein and 360-540 grams of carbs. Eating this way will allow you to get muscle fast.

By focusing on you’re nutrition, you’ll notice that you’re muscles will feel fuller, you’ll feel stronger, and more powerful. This is because you’re foods are giving you enough nutrients and fuel to continue to grow stronger, bigger, and tougher.

Powerhouse Tip #2

The next tip is probably the most obvious for getting muscle. It’s working out. You should hit the gym 4 times a week. If you can’t do 4, then 3 is fine. But make sure you don’t go more than 5 times a week. You need ample time to recover.

The lifts you want to focus on most are you’re core lifts, which includes bench press, squats, deadlifts, and military press. These lifts hit the bigger muscle groups, which allow you to pack on muscle fast. You can add in other lifts, but be sure you do the core lifts. That’s how to get muscle fast.

As you do these lifts, you’ll notice that your body will change. You’ll muscles will begin to feel harder. They’ll become bigger. And you’ll notice that you’re becoming stronger. That’s a sign of you gaining muscles, which is what you want to happen, right?

Also, as a side note, you should get at least 6-8 hours of sleep. You’re muscles grow while you’re resting. So, hit the weights hard, eat, and get your rest. Watch how fast your muscles begin to grow.

If you really want to get muscle fast, here’s a solution that has worked for many people, click on the link –> Quickly Gain Muscle <–. However, this is ONLY for people who are seriously looking to quickly gain muscle!

If you really want to get muscle fast, here’s a solution that has worked for many people, click on the link –> Quickly Gain Muscle <–. However, this is ONLY for people who are seriously looking to quickly gain muscle!

Find More How To Get Muscles Fast Articles

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