How to Get the Best from Your Own Home Gym

September 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

Article by Nathalie Fiset

How to Get the Best from Your Own Home Gym – Health – Fitness

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If you want to get the best from your own home gym, it has to be housed in the right room and with the right equipment. But most importantly of all, you need to have adequate perseverance in order to attain your exercise goals.

Where to Build Your Home Gym

Your home gym must first and foremost be properly ventilated. Windows are a must, especially if you don’t want to use the air-conditioning unit. Air in the room must be properly circulated to prevent your home gym from smelling of sweat. Your home gym must also be well-lit. If possible, acquire lights with dimming controls because there may be times you’d prefer to work out in the dark like when you’re watching a scary movie and you want an appropriate atmosphere for it.

Space requirements are also important to consider. Make sure there’s enough space for all your exercise equipment, gym furniture, and free space for you to perform freestyle exercise routines.

Choosing the Right Exercise Equipment for Your Own Home Gym

There are three types of exercises vital for your physical health and fitness: stamina, strength, and flexibility. Stamina exercises improve your endurance and make you last longer. Strength exercises build and hone your muscles while trimming you fat at the same time. Last but not the least, flexibility ensures that your body remains agile and mobile, focusing on keeping your muscles and joints fluid and responsive. If you want to get the best from your own home gym, you need exercise equipment that can help improve your stamina, strength, and flexibility and all in all providing you with a full-body workout.

Treadmill – This is a staple in home gym and helps improve your stamina. Treadmills may be manual and electrically powered. The former is naturally more affordable but comes with fewer features. It’s best to work with an electrically powered mid-range treadmill model with adjustable inclination to give you a variety of workouts. If possible, look for a treadmill that lets you read a book, drink water, or listen to your MP4 player while exercising.

Weights – Dumbbells are approximately a dollar each. You should get several pairs of assorted weights because you’ll be working yourself up. Also, there are a number of combination exercises which will require you to use dumbbells of a prescribed weight. Having at least one barbell in your home gym is especially important for men. They cost twice as much as dumbbells like weight plates cost a dollar each. Again, consider investing in a set of increasingly heavy weight plates since you’ll be working yourself up with them in time.

TV Set and DVD player – It’s very important to have a TV set in your home gym. A TV can keep you entertained for hours while exercising. If there’s nothing good on TV then that’s when your DVD player comes in. Both are also important if you like watching and following exercise and workout videos. Make sure that your TV set has a screen big enough for you to see everything clearly from whichever part of the room. Keep the TV set in a safe area.

Mats – Even if your home gym is carpeted, it’s still better to have several mats handy as they’re cleaner, safer, and more convenient to use when you’re lying down and performing exercises on your back.

Exercise Ball – Have at least one included in your home gym. There are a lot of things you can do with an exercise ball but its greatest benefit is making it easier for you to perform flexibility exercises. And no, before you even ask, exercise balls are not exclusively designed for women. They can also be used by men and without lessening their testosterone count.

Adjustable Bench – This is important when you’re using your barbell and when you’re doing lunges and combination exercises with your dumbbells. Adjusting its inclination will help tone all muscles in your body.

Full-Length Mirror – This is very important not because it helps assuage your vanity but to ensure that you have the correct form and posture for whatever exercise you’re performing. The wrong position could cause unnecessary strain on your body.

Weighing Scale – Last but not the least, have a weighing scale handy in your home gym to keep track of your progress. Good luck!

About the Author

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Nathalie Fiset

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