How to Get Toned Arms for Women

July 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by N. Brown

How to Get Toned Arms for Women – Health – Fitness

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Who wants flabby arms when you can have sexy toned arms like Jennifer Aniston, Michelle Obama, or Madonna? If you are looking for ways how to get toned arms, it can be easily accomplished by strength training at the gym or training at home using hand weights or without using weights at all!The GymMost women avoid strength training with weights because they fear they will bulk up like a man. While this is an honest concern, there is no need to fear about this problem because women don’t have the testosterone levels to build huge muscle mass like men. Also, although cardio workouts are great for overall fat burning, if you want to get rid of flabby arms and learn how to get toned arms, strength training is key.

Unfamiliar with an upper body routine to help tone those flabby arms? Inquire at the front desk of your gym to see if you can get a personal trainer to guide you around the fitness floor and show you how to correctly use the weight machines using proper form. Even better, sign up for a one-on-one personal training session and get an arm workout routine that’s customized for you.

If you rather not use the weight machines to get rid of your flabby arms, you can still get toned by using hand weights. However, if you are unfamiliar with arm workout routines using hand weights, as with the weight machines, get a one-on-one personal training session (even if it’s just one) for different upper body workouts using proper form. Exercise at Home with WeightsWho says you need a health membership to a gym to learn how to get toned arms? Exercise at home for your arm workout rotuines and easily shape up those flabby arms in private. If you can afford an exercise machine like a Bowflex, great! If not, that’s OK too because you can get toned arms just the same using hand weights.

To begin, purchase some hand weight sets you can comfortably lift for your arm workout routines. For example, 3 lbs, 5 lbs, and 8 lbs weights are good to start with and as you build up upper body strength, gradually increase the weights. It’s also a good idea to purchase a pair of fitness gloves to help give you a better grip around the weights and to prevent calluses.

Once more, if you don’t know what arm workout routines to do using hand weights, hire a personal trainer to show you how to get toned arms. To add, you can buy fitness dvds geared towards body sculpting, cardio sculpting, or upper body strength training and you can search online for “how to” videos for arm workouts like on YouTube, Vimeo, or Videojug.How to Get Toned Arms Without WeightsIf you want to learn ways how to get toned arms without using weights, below are some arm workout routines you can do using your own body weight. However, the key to toning up your flabby arms using your own body weight is to do lots of repetitions and to do these exercises often. Here are some arm workout exercises to do without weights:

•Tricep Dips either on the floor or by using a chair •Bicep Curls •Push-ups such as normal push-ups, wide push-ups, diamond push-ups, one-arm push-ups, twist push-ups, elevated feet push-ups, diver bomber push-ups, Plyometric Clap push-ups, Spiderman push-ups, Marine push-ups, etc.•Arm circles •Chin-ups •Pull ups

Learning how to get toned arms is easy! However, why not learn how to get a toned and lean body too? For more information how to live a healthy lifestyle and learn how to get toned, burn fat, and build muscle, visit The Thin Lifestyle blog today!

About the Author

N. Brown is a blogger, freelance writer, and affiliate marketer

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

N. Brown

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N. Brown is a blogger, freelance writer, and affiliate marketer

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
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