HOW TO LOSE THE BABY BELLY – Experience the Magic of Exercise

June 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Abdominal Exercises

Article by Pamela Behnke

HOW TO LOSE THE BABY BELLY – Experience the Magic of Exercise – Health – Weight Loss

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Getting your body back after giving birth is really important to most new moms. You want to feel good about yourself and to regain your own identity. Have you noticed the way celebs spring back to their amazing shape soon after their pregnancy? Don’t have time for exercise? Really you do and it will help you lose the baby belly like no other, exercise moves your fat burning into motion.

Lose the Baby Belly – Back To Basics

Giving birth leaves a woman, tired, drained out of energy, and more hormonal changes. Getting started with exercise is easier said than done. Depending on your delivery, please consult your physician at your 8 week postpartum follow up before doing any type of exercise. If you gave birth naturally or by caesarean, exercise will be very different for each of you. Make sure your body is healed and your doctor has given you to approval. I know we want to get results, especially now that our body is back to being ours. Don’t take the chance of hurting yourself, the time will come naturally for you to start exercising.

You are setting yourself up for immediate failure to expect instant results. Your waist took a long time to get this way. Remember 9 months? It will definitely take some time to shed off all those layers of fat and pregnancy weight. Starving will get you nowhere, eating right with a few minutes of exercise throughout your day will get you on the road to lose the baby belly.

Exercises that are focused at the abdomen are inevitable when it comes to losing the baby belly. But look at your core as a whole. Find exercises that not only focus on the whole core but work together to build that abdominal strength. Shortening and strengthening your traverse muscles, abdominal exercises are a great way to bid farewell to those pregnancy pounds. Focusing on your core to lose the baby belly will help you to fit into your pre-pregnancy jeans quicker.

• Work On Your Core Since it your core where you have accumulated most of the pregnancy weight, this is the area your exercise should acutely focus on. Do some quick exercises that focus on your core, they don’t have to be more than a few minutes each time as you have it. A few here and a few there will help get you results. You are a new mom, you really only have a few minutes here and there and sometimes that seems impossible.

• Diaphragmatic breathing:This exercise is aimed at the tightening of abdominal muscles. This is done by inhaling and exhaling slowly as you tighten your abs but make sure that you focus on keeping your abdominal area flat when you exhale.

• Try the Pelvic TiltThe pelvic tilt involve those muscles that help you stand a good posture, hence, aiding you to look slimmer. In addition, it relieves your spine from all the stress it has been enduring all these months.

• Shadow Boxing:This exercise is aimed at the tightening of your entire core if done properly. You can sit on a chair, edge of the couch or even on the floor with your legs in front of you. Tighten your abdominal area and focus on boxing or making punching moves in front of you. Do your shadow punching down, to each side and punch straight up above your head. Do this a few times a day if you can. You may even work up a small sweat and get some added cardio out of it.These and some others that can spell success for you include curl ups, heel sliding and stretching! With these simple exercises you can start to lose the baby belly, have more energy and help your mood.

Remember with exercise, consistency is the key. Obviously, you want to take care of yourself, so you have energy to take care of your precious baby. Make some efforts to lose the baby belly and the results you see are definitely worth it.

About the Author

Pamela K Behnke is a mother of two boys under the age of 3. Both her boys are 15 months apart and she did not have any time in between her pregnancies to lose the baby belly or baby belly fat. Her mission after her second son was born was to get her body back. Pregnancy was not kind to her weight gain and her body shape. How to lose the baby belly and her baby belly fat has helped her gain energy to chase those four little legs. It helped stabilize her mood swings caused by all the changing hormones.

My Mommy Wants Her Body Back is her way of sharing with other moms that you don’t have to settle for The Baby Belly Fat and she wants you to learn How To Lose The Baby Belly too! For more information on How To Lose The Baby Belly and Baby Belly Fat, check out her website, Take care of yourself, so you can take care of your precious baby!


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Pamela Behnke

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Pamela K Behnke is a mother of two boys under the age of 3. Both her boys are 15 months apart and she did not have any time in between her pregnancies to lose the baby belly or baby belly fat. Her mission after her second son was born was to get her body back. Pregnancy was not kind to her weight gain and her body shape. How to lose the baby belly and her baby belly fat has helped her gain energy to chase those four little legs. It helped stabilize her mood swings caused by all the changing hormones.

My Mommy Wants Her Body Back is her way of sharing with other moms that you don’t have to settle for The Baby Belly Fat and she wants you to learn How To Lose The Baby Belly too! For more information on How To Lose The Baby Belly and Baby Belly Fat, check out her website, Take care of yourself, so you can take care of your precious baby!


Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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