How to lose weight fast

September 30, 2012 by  
Filed under Slim Down

Article by Anton Allen

How to lose weight fast – Health – Weight Loss

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How to lose weight fast. If you want to lose weight fast I have some top tips that will shed the pounds in a matter of weeks.The first step is exercise, there are many different ways to exercise and a lot depends on your level of fitness. If you are really unfit start by walking, walking is one of the best exercises you can do, human beings where designed to walk, leave the car at home for those short journeys and walk instead. Try to walk for at least twenty minutes a day.Swimming is another good exercise visit the swimming baths 3 times a week, swimming is an excellent exercise, good for all the major muscle groups and easy on the joints as well.Weight training, this is not for every one, weight training will tone up those flabby areas of the body, and there are specific exercises that concentrate on certain parts of the body. So if you want to improve your stomach and legs for example there are exercises to work these parts parts of the body.Diet, there are a million and one diets out there, to many I think. The diet gurus will lead you to believe any thing and all claim that there diet plans are the best. My advice is to eat more, this sounds a bit contradictory but if you eat more the body’s metabolism will speed up and start to burn the stored reserves of fat. The trick is to eat the right kind of food, cut out the cakes, chocolate and high fat junk foods. Another food group to avoid is the starchy foods like pasta, bread and potatoes these foods contain carbohydrates and will pile on the pounds. Have a look at a low carbohydrate diet like the Atkins diet or something similar. Eat at regular times of the day and not in the evening the body’s metabolism slows down in the evening and any thing you eat will be stored.Exercise DVD’S, don’t waste your money the only thing your going to lose is the hard earned cash out of your pocket Drink lots of water,as much as you can the benefits of drinking water are endless, drinking water will help with water retention, if you do not drink water your body will try to store what fluid you do intake, normally around your middle. Water is essential for all the parts of the body so drink lots of it.If you are a habitual eater or want to kick start the process you may want to consider a diet supplement there are many different types on the market, herbal and pharmaceutical that all work in different ways. There are a couple I can recommend the details you can find in my blog.Losing weight is not easy it takes time and effort but if you are determined and stick to the advice I have given you will lose weight. Stick at it and don’t give up.

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Anton Allen

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