How to lose weight fast doing the weight loss exercises at home

April 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Aerobic Exercises

Article by Rinkirawat10

Obesity is considered as the curse because it causes various health problems like heart attack, high blood pressure, strokes, diabetes, arthritis etc. Apart from causing these serious health issues, obesity is responsible for lowering the self-esteem of a person. Each one of us wants to remain fit and healthy. A properly planned healthy diet can help one to limit the intake of calories in the body. If some weight loss exercises can be done along with a proper diet plan, one can lose weight fast. Going to the gym or fitness centre to do workouts are not always appealing to people because of the busy schedule and at time due to money constraints. But one need not worry. One can do many weight loss exercises at home and no equipment will be needed for them.

One should remember that doing weight loss exercises alone might not be help to lose weight fast so a proper diet plan has to be followed to get the desired results. All types of fried and sugary foods have to be stopped. The beverage intake has to be limited. Green tea is very effective in losing weight. Include lots of fresh fruits and vegetable in the diet chart. One can have lemon juice along with honey 2-3 times in a day as it helps in burning of fat. Cabbage soup is also very effective in weight loss. Taking half a grape fruit daily before meals is very good for fat burning.

Cardiovascular exercise like swimming, running, cycling and dancing are good for burning fats of the body. One should do one of these exercises regularly.

1. Swimming- It keeps the body in shape as it helps in the movement of all body parts.2. Cycling- It is good for the lower parts of the body and keeps them in shape3. Walking- It is very good for burning extra body calories

Some lose weight fast exercises at home are-

1. Plank exercise- It is helpful as the person doing it has to maintain a difficult position for sometime2. Aerobics- Aerobics makes the whole body to work so it is a very good choice for burning body fat.3. Squatting- squatting can be done at home very easily. One can start doing it by sitting and standing from a chair.

One can follow some practices like walking down to the bus stop, climbing up the stair to ensure that the body is active enough.

Author in this article has conveyed information on lose weight fast. You can also get information on weight loss tips and weight loss exercises at home at our Onlymyhealth health care website.

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