How To Tone Your Lower Chest Using 2 Simple Exercises

March 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Chest Exercises

Article by Ombladom Freacka

Chest exercises assistance to develop an area on your body that some might say is the most attractive body part. It signals vitality and health, and it just makes the owner of a well-developed chest feel better.

Although typically associated like a male exercise, exercises for the chest are equally important and beneficial for women. Although the exercises will not transform cup sizes, theyll assist you to by lifting sagging chest and breast and enhancing your cleavage.

So to enjoy these benefits, you obviously have to exercise that area. Although there really are a countless number of exercises that you could perform, listed here are the best chest exercises.

However, prior to going over these exercises, below are great tips on technique and form that may help you to get the most out of your exercise routine.

Strategies for Technique and Form

For each exercise, dont arch your back, because this can result in injury. Keep your back flat against the bench. Essential, keep your feet planted firmly on the floor.

In addition to working your chest muscles, these exercises will even strengthen your wrist, which will grow stronger as you still lift. Just make sure when your are gripping the bar to keep your wrist straight.

For more strength and also to avoid unnecessary strain, the bar also needs to rest on your palms.

As you perform each rep, ensure that the motions are smooth and even. With barbell exercises, theres a tendency to let the bar bounce off your chest. Do not do it. Let the bar touch your chest and continue upward in a smooth motion.

Best Chest Exercises

Flat Bench Press The flat bench being active is the conventional of chest exercises. To perform it, lay on the bench together with your grip slightly wider than your shoulders. Make sure to keep the elbows in. Repetitions: 8-10

Incline The bench press The incline bench chest being active is performed with the bench angled upward and is made to work your upper chest or pecs. Due to the angle, you cannot lift as much as using the bench press, so do not attempt. Also, as a second reminder, since many lifters often do that with this particular exercise, do not arch your back. Repetitions: 8-10

Decline Bench Press For the decline bench exercise, the bench is angled downward and is designed to work the lower chest. You should use either the barbell or dumbbells to perform this exercise. It youre just beginning, start with the dumbbells. This should help you to become accustomed to the position and the motion from the exercise. Repetitions: 8-10

Dumbbell Flyes Designed as an inner chest exercise, dumbbell flyes are carried out lying on a flat bench. Holding your arms out and your elbows slightly bent, perform a flying motion. When decreasing the dumbbells, do not go pass the level of the bench, as this will assist you to avoid overextension injury. Repetitions: 10-12.

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