Intensive Six Pack Abs Program Through Circuit Training

August 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

Abdominals are the most problematic body part when it comes to muscle building. Bodybuilders who temporarily stopped from working out can still retain their defined muscles in almost all body parts, but skipping a couple of abdominal exercise sessions will cause the abs to lose their muscles and return to its flabby state. Abdomen tends to store fats easily, and losing it is very difficult.

Six pack abs programs have a very intensive nature. But people can modify the program from time to time and introduce variations in their workout. Program for abdominal training is not as strict as the other programs.

One type of abdominal program is basic circuit training. Circuit is defined as completing a series of exercises and their recommended number of sets and repetitions. Listed below are some tips for a basic circuit training:
1. One session should be composed of two circuits for the first two weeks of training.

Inject a maximum of 30-second rest period between each set of routines.
3. Rest period between successive circuits should range from 1 to 2 minutes.

After the second week, a person will get used to the program and should slightly modify it to advance the training to a higher level.
1. Increase the number of repetitions to three times per session.
2. Include moderate weights for each routine. Plates and dumbbells can be used.
3. Weights can be increased to 10% or less as the muscles strengthen.

Presented below is a sample schedule for a basic circuit training.

Abdominals are emphasized and exercises should be done in single sets with 15 repetitions, unless specified. Rest periods between sets should be avoided.
– Traditional crunch
– Bent-leg knee raise
– Oblique V-up – 10 repetitions for each side
– Bridge – 2 repetitions
– Back extensions

Abs training should be followed by a full-body workout.

Each routine should have two sets with 12 repetitions. Rest period between sets should be strictly followed.
– Squats
– Bench press
– Pull down
– Military press
– Upright row
– Triceps pushdown
– Leg extension
– Biceps curl
– Leg curl

Light cardiovascular exercises for 30 minutes. Tuesday training is optional.

This is a full-body workout with emphasis in the abdominal areas, and is very similar with the Monday training. The number of sets and repetitions for abdominal exercises are maintained, but routines are changed.
– Standing crunch
– Pulse up – 12 repetitions
– Saxon side bend – 10 repetitions for each side
– Side bridge – 2 repetitions
– Back extensions

Full-body workout is the same with the Monday training.

Training is an optional 45-minute cardiovascular exercise.

Legs and lower body are emphasized in a full-body workout. Routines are done in two sets with 12 repetitions.
– Squats
– Bench press
– Pull down
– Traveling lounge
– Military press
– Upright row
– Triceps pushdown
– Leg extension
– Biceps curl
– Leg curl

Basic circuit training can be restructured to become suitable for intermediate and advanced training. Advanced circuit might include low-intensity cardio exercises in the morning and workouts for various body parts in the afternoon. It also requires fasting before the morning session, and weekends will be included in the program.

Find out more about the best intensive workout program and learn how to burn fats faster with intensive and circuit training rather than the traditional cardio exercise workout.

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