IT band exercise

September 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by Julia Yi

IT band exercise – Health – Fitness

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Iliotibial band stretches can be called IT band exercise. So, what is IT band? IT band is regarded as a family of thick fibers that originates externally of our thigh and then stabilizes the entire thigh. In any case of activities such as running, walking or perhaps jumping, your IT band will end up tight and painful. This begins from your hip and extends all the way towards the shin bone and is actually beneath the knee-joint.

All those who have IT band syndrome must try these IT band stretches so that you can relax your IT band to make it less tight. IT band syndrome is a very common knee pain among the sports people that can lead to more critical IT-band injury and cause difficulty in exercise. Even though we could diagnose it clinically, it is also difficult to cure it. Most patients would prefer to go for old-fashioned treatment method which involves stretching the IT band. However, there are some who still prefer surgical release for the IT-band.

IT band stretches also involves doing some IT-band exercises. Some of the helpful techniques that you have to do if you have an IT band pain is to take the left foot behind towards the right of your right leg. Then, lift your left arm right up and slowly lean rightward. While you lean rightward, push the left hip bone carefully to the side. You will experience a pleasant stretch around the down side of your leg. And the last stage is absolutely simple. You need to simply keep it for 15 to 30 seconds, then do it again for 1 or maybe 3x on both sides.

IT band stretches and workouts are really simple to carry out. You can easily practice it when you’re free. It will only take 3 to 5 minutes to finish a single workout. With this, it will lead you to a healthy life-style in which you don’t have to worry about the IT band pain anymore. If you know yoga, you can even try doing Pigeon Pose. This is for the complex stretch for the IT band.

Finally, no matter when or what, you must take good care of your body to avoid falling hurt in order to live a healthy life-style with your family. IT band problem is another critical harm that can affect your daily activity. Thus, you need to seek for medical advice from the doctor should you suffer from one. Don’t be frightened to ask because the medical doctors will certainly aid you. On top of that, it’s also advisable to do some physical exercises and Iliotibial band stretches to make it better.

About the Author

To learn more about IT band stretches, visit the site to learn from experts on IT band stretches.

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Julia Yi

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To learn more about IT band stretches, visit the site to learn from experts on IT band stretches.

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