Jodie Marsh: Female Body Builder in An Incredible Muscular New Look (Photos)

July 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Body Builders

Jodie Marsh was once famous as one of the country’s foremost glamour models for flaunting her body in tiny outfits. And recently, once again Jodie Marsh’s body has been making the headlines when the 32-year-old female body buider stunned all over the world with her muscular new body as she entered the Natural Physique Association (NPA) Mike Williams Classic and Pro-Am Bodybuilding Championships last month.

Interestingly, Jodie has gone from a size ten dress size to a size six in seven weeks after a grueling regime of weights and dieting which culminated in her competing in a bodybuilding contest last weekend. At that competition, she came fifth in a qualifier for the Natural Physique Association British championships. Talking about her new figure, Jodie said: “This is the best I’ve ever felt, and the best my body has ever felt too.” In just 50 days I have gone from 25 per cent body fat to 10 per cent body fat, gained 8 pounds of muscle, and lost 20 pounds of fat. In 8 weeks I have achieved what normally takes 6 to 9 months”, she added.

Known for being an English media personality, former glamour model, Jodie Marsh is now a bodybuilder

Jodie Marsh shows off her incredible muscular new body at a bodybuilding championships after just seven weeks of training

The 32-year-old former glamour model has gone from a size 10 to a tinny size 6…

… and from 25 per cent body fat to 10 per cent body fat. “I’m really happy I’m going home with a trophy. If I can do this in a few weeks then what else can I achieve with more training time?”

Jodie Marsh won the fifth position in the Natural Physique Association (NPA) Mike Williams Classic and Pro-Am Bodybuilding Championships

Jodie shows her muscles as she takes to the stage for her turn in the Natural Physique Association

Jodie Marsh poses with her bodybuilding trophy and personal trainer Tim Sharp who Marsh teamed up with last December as she changed her lifestyle in preparation for the competition

Jodie looks super sexy and muscular along with Jodie Marsh standout tattoos during her trainings. The star says she has never felt better than she does now after working to get into shape

She gave up alcohol for a strict diet of fruit, egg whites, wholemeal toast and protein shakes


Jodie Marsh: Female Body Builder in An Incredible Muscular New Look


Related links:

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Chris Jacken used to work as a doctor of a general hospital in February 1998. Currently, Chris is a writer specializing in weight loss related issues. He posts his articles on a number of different directories.

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