John Morrison’s Sports Betting Champ

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscle Fitness

Mathematics Ph.D John Morrison caused a stir in the betting world with the release of his Sports Betting Champ system. He makes pretty big claims and if you Google his system, you’ll hear every opinion from all kinds of sports bettors who have tried his system from happy to disgruntled. Is the Sports Betting Champ what it claims to be? Is John full of it or does he have anything to offer? I’d like to cut through the bs and give you the real deal on the sports betting champ system.

The prominent feature of the Sports Betting Champ system is found in its investment strategy. There is nothing fancy about that strategy; it is a variation of the Martingale betting system with unique rules covering different sports. The original Martingale is said to be highly risky gambling system in its raw form, but many investors over the years have created useful tweaks in order to win various games from Blackjack to sports betting and beyond. John Morrison has followed that successful trend in designing his own system and he’s come up with a successful Martingale spin that is mathematically solid.

To cut to the chase, you lay your bet over time on a series of games, adding to your losses and exiting with your gains upon reaching your first win, which will cover your initial bet. Eventually you beat your bookmakers’ odds regardless of the outcome of the games you bet on.

I would like to give you best and worst case scenarios to show you how series betting works in real-life conditions.

In a best case scenario, we’ll assume you bet on Sports Betting Champ NHL for the Toronto Maple Leafs in a series of 3 away games. You bet at 1.5 odds; your bet is $ 100. Your team wins the first game. You pocket $ 150 and walk. You’ve done what you needed to do. How simple is that?

In a worst case scenario, you bet $ 100 at 1.5 odds and your team loses. Now you are down -$ 100. For your second bet following the Sports Betting Champ rules, your next move would be to bet $ 250 (another $ 100 + the $ 150 you would have won). But your team loses again. You are now out -$ 350. In the system you would follow up with $ 650 ($ 250 + the $ 375 you would have won). According to John, 3 losses out of 3 are highly unlikely (around 4% chance of it happening) because of rules he has devised for his system.
However, let’s say you’re unlucky so your team loses the third game in a row. You are now out -$ 650 for the game, -$ 1100 in total! At this point you would begin another series.

Now i know you are probably looking at the end result numbers with skepticism, feeling that the worst case loss is way lower than the best case win. To be honest, that is typcal of the ordinary Martingale system, which is why it can’t be played without modifications John included in his system. The Sports Betting Champ has many Martingale modifications to protect your bankroll and keep it safer than my examples would indicate.

Having said that, i would like to let you know that solid money management is crucial any gambling system. A fundamental rule of money management is to never deviate from a mathematically sound system. With the Sports Betting Champ, you’ll need to win around 94% of your bets on all sports in order to make a profit. Therefore you must follow the system exactly.

A second fundamental rule of money management is to put approximately 3% to 5% of your total money on any individual bet, never putting more than 10% of your total money on any one bet for any reason. Simply put, ask yourself how much money do you plan to put down as your initial bet? Then multiply that figure by 30. You need around that much in your bankroll. If you overbet on any system you will surely regret it when losses accrue. Bookmakers will love you but i guarantee nobody else will. Unyielding money management will keep you profitable regardless of what system you use.

But I’m getting off-topic.

The Sports Betting Champ system comes in these modules: {there are Major League Baseball, Basketball, American Football, and Hockey modules, and it comes with its own money management advice you will need to follow if you want to profit from it, but my personal feeling is that Dan Gordon’s Sports Bets Champ System Maximizer is more solid in the area of money management and is better for getting the most out of the Sports Betting Champ. Dan is one of the best handicappers in the world and his advice is solid – he has perfected the Sports Betting Champ to remove the learning curve and get a little extra mileage out of the system.

When it comes down to it, the Sports Betting Champ is a good buy if used with either Dan’s Maximizer, which protects a smart investor from the kind of losses that come with the territory in sports betting.

Dion Wright is an affiliate marketer and product reviewer for Today’s Offer. Visit now for interesting product offers.

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