Kettle Bells and Wedding Bells

April 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Article by Jordan Glenn

Bing, bong go the wedding bells! Up, down go the kettle bells! Often the bride-to-be hears bing, bong, up, down all at once. Hearing the wedding bells ring is an exciting time! For many brides, they immediately think about looking stunning in their wedding dress. You always want to look your best, whether you are hearing wedding bells for yourself, for a friend or a family member, especially because so many pictures are taken. Anxiety is ratcheted up about the big day people because they are uncomfortable with their bodies. Making your best effort to insure change may entail hiring a personal trainer who can help you look the way you want for that special day.

You’ll find many of the most talented and hardworking personal trainers in New York City. In a city that offers something for even the most seemingly matchless tastes, you will be sure to find a trainer for your unique needs. Whether you are looking to add muscle, slim down or a combination of both for the wedding, NYC personal trainers can help. Now, more than ever, these fitness professionals are designing programs to include kettlebell exercises to help make that happen.

Kettles in many ways can operate in the same manner as dumb bells. However, the difference in design makes them more functional. Instead of the handle being in the middle of two equally weighted sides, the handle is located at the top. This allows for a distinctive set of exercises that you can’t get from a dumb bell because the range of motion is increased. Additionally, you can use a kettlebell with a two-handed grip.

Personal trainers NYC are also great for showing you less common exercises to do, to target specific areas. For instance, if you want to tone up your arms so they look nice in your sleeveless wedding gown, they may suggest a variety of kettle bell exercises. Some great kettle bell exercises for your arms include alternating kettle bell presses in which you press two kettle bells to work the shoulder muscles. Another great exercise for your arms is the swinging kettle bell in which you swing the kettle bell in different directions causing a great force, which helps build muscle. The equipment are also optimal when doing abdominal and leg exercises like the kettle bell figure 8, which works your abdominal muscles and kettle bell squats for working your legs.

Hiring a personal trainer NYC will allow you to insert set times and days of the week to workout into your schedule. This decreases your chance of skipping a day of exercise, as you are accountable to another individual. The incorporation of kettle bells, by your personal trainer NYC, into your workout will also increase the efficiency and quality of your workouts insuring that on your wedding day, you are as stunning a bride on the outside as you feel on the inside.

About the Author

I have always believed that anyone who wants to live a healthy lifestyle should have the opportunity. For more information please visit

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