Kettlebell Routine Exercise Benefits Both Men And Women in the home.

August 23, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Article by Rafael Welker

Kettlebell Routine Exercise Benefits Both Men And Women in the home. – Other

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Kettlebell Routine Exercise Benefits Both Men And Women. There are two reasons why people work out – to burn fat and to replace them with muscle mass. Often times, you find yourself doing separate workout routines so that you can successfully attain both your fitness goals. It takes so much of our time to do cardiovascular or aerobic exercises separate from anaerobic or muscle toning routines. Moreover, we are left with very little energy for the rest of the day. Isn’t it wonderful if you can work on your overall wellbeing with just one workout routine? Introducing Kettlebell routine exercises! A kettlebell is a weight used to aid in building physical strength and endurance. It is made of cast iron which is similar to the sphere utilized during a hammer throw. You may purchase this amazing workout equipment online. One of the most popular brands is the Reebok Kettlebell which is available in 2.5 kilograms and 7.5 kilograms. Beginners and advanced fitness buffs can make use of this. There is a plethora of kettlebell routine exercises for men and women alike. You just need to modify the number of repetitions and choose a heavier kettlebell if the previous one you used is not as challenging as before. Routine # 1: The Swing For women, use a lighter kettlebell. Grab one with both your hands and stand with your feet shoulder length apart. Bend your legs but keep your back straight and then stand up while slowly lifting the kettlebell and swinging it towards your front. As gravity pulls the kettlebell back down, simultaneously bend your knees back to your initial position and let the equipment swing between your legs. Do 2 sets of 10 repetitions. Routine # 2: The Deadlift This routine will work on your abdominal area, glutes, hamstrings and hips. Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Make sure that your feet are flat on the floor and that they are in a 45 degree angle pointed outwards. Squat down and grab the kettlebell from the floor. Slowly stand up with your arms extended and then go back to your original position. Do 2 sets of 10 repetitions. Routine # 3: The Twist Sit with your back straight and your knees bent with feet flat on the floor. Place the kettlebell at one side of your body with both hands holding it. Lift it and bring it to the other side while simultaneously twisting your upper torso. This will help tone your abs and create a very pleasing shape. Routine # 4: Kettlebell Push Ups This will do wonders to your shoulders, triceps and chest. You just simply need to hold the kettlebells with your hands instead of the regular hands flat on the floor position. This is quite a challenging routine so make sure you know how to do regular push ups properly before trying this out. Kettlebell routine exercises are very easy to do. You can easily learn these from DVD’s made especially by fitness professionals and workout enthusiasts. They require less time and effort in performing and most of all, you can work on several muscle groups with just one type of routine.

About the Author

Danny Ward

I have used for specialist advice on the this subject as he was highly qualified in sports science and believes in this product that he was kind enough the weite this, if you want Kettlebells that are of a good standard then please follow this link.Kettlebell routine exercises

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Rafael Welker

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Danny Ward

I have used for specialist advice on the this subject as he was highly qualified in sports science and believes in this product that he was kind enough the weite this, if you want Kettlebells that are of a good standard then please follow this link.Kettlebell routine exercises

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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