Kettlebell Strength Endurance Training

December 21, 2011 by  
Filed under Strength Training

Article by Gabriyel Atreyu

Welcome, OC Kettlebell Strength Training Fitness Afficionados!

What is a “kettlebell”?

A kettlebell is a unique training device that has been around for centuries.Picture a dense iron mass, similar to a cannon ball, with a thick handle on the top of it.

Kettlebell training involves using these weights for an entire body workout.

Who can use kettlebells and what could you use kettlebells for?

Kettlebells are great for everybody.Some people hear “kettlebell training” and imagine that it is only for extreme power lifters or that it is a potentially dangerous form of training.

Quite the contrary, kettlebells are safe for everybody to use in the proper weight increments and using the proper form—just like all other weightlifting.

Man or woman, young and old alike, kettlebell training can be suited to your needs.

If you have never picked up a weight before, kettlebell training is a great way to start in order to see immediate and impressive results.

If you have been weight training for years but have hit a plateau or just need a chance of pace, kettlebells will provide an instant boost that keeps you interested in working out, while making your workouts more challenging and more rewarding.

The best part about kettlebell training is that these workouts are great for everybody, regardless of what your need is.

They are great for losing weight, toning up or gaining muscle mass.

Why is kettlebell training so effective?

It’s so effective because it is unlike any other standard dumbbell, barbell or weight training machine you have ever used.This is due in part to the extremely thick handle, thicker than that of a dumbbell.

This requires more hand, grip and arm strength to use kettlebells.

Kettlebells also provide a wider, freer range of motion than any machine or barbell possibly could.

If you are an athlete, you can swing kettlebells up, down and around your body, mimicking movements that are closer to what you would actually perform when in competition.

Due to the ball-and-handle design of a kettlebell, they have a different center of mass than a standard dumbbell or free weight.

This design forces you to use more of your muscles in each lift that you perform; both raising your heart rate and building more strength and mass.

Multi-joint exercises are always the best way to release more testosterone in your body and target the major muscle groups, while also improving your cardio.

When using kettlebells you will use muscles that you may never knew even existed. All exercises become multi-joint movements, incorporating all of your muscle groups.

You might be saying to yourself that kettlebells sound too good to be true; just like an infomercial for the new fitness gadget of the month.

However, kettlebells have not only been used for hundreds of years, their effectiveness has been proven in studies.

The most popular and convincing study done (Voropayev, 1983) looked at two groups of athletes.

The goal was to see which group would perform better in a set of fitness and strength tests: pull-ups, a standing jump, the 100 meter sprint and a 1 kilometer run.

The control group exercised in the tests they would be performing. The other group used kettlebell training and never worked on the specific movements they would later be tested on.

Well, the kettlebell training group outscored the control group, in every exercise, without ever practicing those specific movements and tests!

How do I get started?

Here is all you need to do.

You need to acquire a kettlebell or several kettlebells for yourself.A very important thing is determining what amount of weight is right for you, your desired results and your current state of fitness and strength.

Traditionally, kettlebells for men come in 35 pound, 53 pound and 70 pound weights. Most women use either an 18 pound kettlebell or a 26 pound kettlebell.

Due in part to the explosion of popularity in the fitness and sports world, kettlebells are now available in a much broader range of weights; from 8 pounds to over 100 pounds.

Keep in mind when picking the size that is right for your kettlebell training needs that kettlebells will feel much heavier than an equivalent dumbbell.

It is always better to start lighter than you might feel you need to, in order to gain an understanding of how to use kettlebells and the form involved.

Whether you want to lose bodyweight, decrease your body fat, gain strength or gain lean muscle mass, kettlebell training can and will help you reach your goals.

: – )Gabriyel AtreyuHuman-Body Maintenance Engineer

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