Kettlebell Workouts for Men – Get Better Results Faster

October 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Article by Jose B. Tollefson

Kettlebell Workouts for Men – Get Better Results Faster – Health – Fitness

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According to records, the use of kettlebells can be traced back to the 1700s by Russian weightlifters. Kettlebells should not be dismissed as just another workout fad. This is because a study by the American Council on Exercise in 2010 showed that it is possible to gain not only aerobic fitness, but also muscle strength in a short period of time through kettlebell workouts. Jim Smith, certified strength training coach, says that this workouts for men will help build strength, flexibility and muscle mass pretty fast.

Kettlebells are versatile and offer more benefits when compared with dumbbell training. The thick handles poses challenges in terms grip and the distance of the weight from the handle works the core muscles harder. Therefore, kettlebell workouts for men ideally help to tone up major muscles, build strength and burn body fat. In fact, this workouts add a new dimension to the classic exercises like chest presses.

Shoulder Press

Whatever is your need, improving performance in sports or getting your body ready for the beach season, kettlebell shoulder press will be helpful. This exercise routine targets the shoulder muscles and triceps.

Instructions for performing this exercise are as follows:

Hold the kettlebell in one hand and lift it up the height of the shoulder. Keep the forearm perpendicular to the floor, holding the kettlebell upside down. Keeping the abs tight lift the kettlebell above the head, lower and repeats the movement eight to 10 times on each arm. Start by doing two to three sets for each arm.


Using kettlebells during push-up routines contributes to increasing the challenge and helps building chest and core muscles faster.

Instructions for performing push-ups using kettlebells:

Grip the kettlebells that are suitably kept apart tightly instead of placing hands on the floor. Start by doing two or three sets of eight to 10 reps. Increase the reps as strength improves.

As the hand is at a higher position from the floor, the range of movement increases and provides additional workout for chest, shoulder, triceps and core muscles.

One-arm Row

One-arm row provides workout to your biceps and muscles at the back.

Instructions for performing one-arm row:

Assume push-up position. Lift one hand and hold the kettlebell. Without rotating the body, pull the elbow back and lift the kettlebell off the floor towards the shoulder. Lower the kettlebell and again pull the elbow back. Do two or three sets of eight to 10 reps for each hand.

Some of the other kettlebell workouts for men are:

Chest press: Lie on the back on a beach, holding a kettlebell in each hand at the level of the chest. Lift the weight over the chest, stretching the hands up. Bring the weights back down.

Fly: Hold the kettlebells over the chest with hands stretches and palms facing each other. Lower the hands away from the body such that the body takes a T shape. Bring hands back to the original position.

Situp: Lie on the back with knees bent, holding the kettlebell slightly below the chest. Contract the abs to assume a sitting position by pressing the kettlebell to the front and without locking the elbows. Come back to the original position.

About the Author

Jose B. Tollefson is a trainer of bodybuilding and a writer of fitness book. One of his article on this website is about the basic kettlebell workouts. If you want to know more about advance moves of kettlebell workout, you can visit his website at

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Jose B. Tollefson

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Jose B. Tollefson is a trainer of bodybuilding and a writer of fitness book. One of his article on this website is about the basic kettlebell workouts. If you want to know more about advance moves of kettlebell workout, you can visit his website at

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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