Kettlebell Workouts In Review

December 13, 2011 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Article by Joel Davise

Question! What are Kettlebells and Kettlebell workouts? Kettlebell’s have been around for hundreds of years now but they have only started becoming well know in the past decade.Kettebells basically look like a cannonball which has a handle stuck onto it. They look very strange but have gained much popularity in recent years. Kettlebells are used to develop strenght and conditioning. Russia is recognized as the origin of kettlebells and where all the kettlebell workouts started from. The poplarity of kettlebells spread in the last decade and now Kettlebells are available all across the world.Kettlebell workouts are composed of many different exercises that use Kettlebells to crank up the intencity of the workout. The beauty of kettlebells is that they are portable and can be done anywhere. Put them in the boot of your car and take them any place that you want. I love doing my Kettlebell workouts at the beach or at the park in summer.Kettlebell workouts have a lot of benefits to your health and body. The heart will become stronger and more efficient. You will easily be able to lose weight or build muscle. The are safe and easy on all your joints and tissues.A massive bonus with training with Kettlebells is that each training session only lasts about thirty minutes maximum. The intencity of the Kettlebell workouts means that you do not have to spend 40 minutes to an hour working out. The intencity of Kettlebells is what gets so many people hooked on them.To really get the quickest results from Kettlebell workouts a three day per ween minimum training program should be followed. Six exericises is usually the recommended amount to do in the given time. Most Kettlebell workouts are done in a circuit but they can also be done as supersets as well.Kettlebell workouts can be done by all age groups and ability levels. So no matter your age or the fact that your a beginner, intermediate or advanced in physical activities there is a Kettlebell workout for you.All I use to do for about five or so years was workout with weights but the past few months I used Kettlebells in conjunction. I actually ended up ditching weight training as I was getting far superior results with my Kettlebell training sessions.Kettlebells have been the most fun workouts that I have done in my life and they have produced the biggest results as well. Kettlebells are also great working the core muscles, something that weight training fails to do.Try Kettlebells what have you got to lose. Take action and just start working out with Kettlebells and see the results come flying in. In a short period of time you will become addicted to working out and wonder how you did without them.

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