Kettlebell Workouts Kick Ass!

September 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Article by Tony Rehor

Kettlebell Workouts Kick Ass! – Health – Fitness

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Kettlebell Workouts plain kick ass for burning fat.

Are you feeling the difference in your body from that killer Kettlebell workout?

With each workout routine exercise session, your body is transformed from what it was to what you want it to be and that is hot. You are on an intense journey from fat and flabby to fabulous and you’ll feel great?

Keep the pressure on with your Kettlebell workout routine.You are progressing very nicely. Now you want to keep the intense pressure on as you start to kick things up a notch. If you’ve done some good research, you probably no doubt heard about the Kettlebell Swing Snatch Pull workout. We will soon go over this powerful kettlebell exercise that works on your back and your legs.

Kettlebell workouts work more than just one set of muscles at a time.Let me quickly say that even though kettlebell workout exercises are targeting a just a particular muscle group, you are getting a comprehensive work out also in your arms and abs too.

As you hold in your body’s core and swing your kettlebell weight, you are also strengthening other muscle groups as well. This is what so firkin awesome about the Russian kettlebell is.

On a normal treadmill or a body elliptical, you just work out one muscle group and that’s your legs. But with a kettlebell, you work out everything and you also reap the benefits with your total body workout.

Now let’s get back to our kettlebell exercise.

The Kettlebell Swing, Snatch, and PullYou need to stand with your feet spread apart for this kettlebell workout. Bend your body over with your knees slightly bent. Your back should be straight with your head up. Now let’s Place your kettlebell on the floor. Now just grip it with one hand and swing it slowly between your legs as if passing it to someone behind you. OK now keeping your arm straight and firm holding your kettlebell now bring the kettlebell weight forward as you start to rise up to a normal standing position. OK now continue to raise the kettbell above your head as you do this slowly return the weight to the starting position. Repeat this workout routine now using the other arm.

For Beginners 5 reps is enough.For you seniors 3-5 reps should do.You advanced kettlebell users 12-15 reps will kick ass.

Muscle focused on is your back and your legs.

As a kettlebell beginner you should keep focusing on the kettlebell technique. You should try not to do too many kettlebell reps to start. You’ll increase reps in time and as you build up your strength.

Go to YouTube and Watch a demo of the kettlebell Swing, Snatch, Pull here. Never try to use two Kettlebell’s at the same time. You can aspire yourself to get there but just not right now or you will get hurt. Focus just on the kettlebell technique.

Each day for your workout routine you can add on one or two more additional reps until you get to your main goal. It is always good to challenge yourself. By taking small baby steps toward your ultimate kettlebell goal, it makes it more real and obtainable.

Always remember to exercise with good judgment, always follow the safety tips, and listen to your own body. And please make sure that you inhale as you go down and exhale as you come up or you can have a problem. Filling your lungs with air so that your muscles will get proper oxygenation is a must with a kettlebell workout.

When you start to see the impressive results by doing your kettlebell workouts, you’ll want to do even more workout routines. You’ll want to always try to challenge yourself.

When that proper time comes, there is a kettlebell program you’ll want to check out.

The Kettlebell Burn is a killer fat burning program that tests what you’re really made of. If you want to take your workout to the next major level, start the Kettlebell Burn routine.

In just 16 weeks, your body will be completely transformed into mass muscle.

If you want to start out kind of slow and work your own way up, consider the awesome 21-day Kettlebell Swing Challenge. Each of these videos is under 20 minutes. Have the killer body you want without plain slaving at the local gym for it in just 21 days!

Remember to keep Kettle belling!

About the Author

AdminBurn Fat with Kettlebell workouts.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Tony Rehor

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AdminBurn Fat with Kettlebell workouts.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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