Kettlebells and Barbells – A Duo

March 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Article by Geoff Neupert

You may not be using barbells right now. Don’t worry – this detail is still for you because you’ll get some new strategies on how to structure your kettlebell exercise courses.

There seems to be so much great tips about kettlebell training it’s hard for the normal person to know where to initiate and to truly be satisfied with that beginning point. Many of us come to kettlebell basics from a background of barbell lifting (myself included) and recoil at the thought that kettlebells are the “only tool you need.” Limiting ourselves to “just one tool” isn’t going to happen.

There was an awesome thread started out on the RKC Trainer website about pairing barbell and kettlebell exercise together so I assumed I’d post my opinions/experiences for you to use and study from so you can skip making the same mishaps I did.

“Movement Prep” is now an expression that’s exchanged “Warm Up” in our energy training vocabulary. As the name recommends, this is work that precedes the basic workout objective and gears up your body for that workout.I consider using kettlebells as exercise prep before your barbell work is a good way to go.

The following are some training that I would use:• 1/2 Get Up (Get Up Sit Up)• Get Up• RKC Arm Bar and variations• Single Leg Deadlift• Windmill• 1 Arm Press• 1 Arm Swing• H2H Swing• Counterbalanced Pistols• Lunges• Goblet Squat

All of these exercises permit you to check your body’s current action capability, make space within that movement, adjust imbalances between sides/limbs, and boost coordination, allowing you properly warm up for your barbell work.

Now obviously, we all have our limits and our strengths so your movement prep doesn’t have to involve all the exercises on the record – they’re just suggestions. Use your brains and select your exercises in accordance to your present needs and the calls of your barbell training.

Discover the secrets to rapid fat loss with kettlebell workouts by visiting Kettlebell Secrets.

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Video Rating: 5 / 5

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