Killer Quick Arm Workouts

September 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Joshua Noerr

Killer Quick Arm Workouts – Health – Fitness

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There are lots of times when getting a great workout is really tough. Life can come at you fast and furious, and unfortunately, health and fitness is one of the first things to go when that starts to happen.

Luckily, you can still get a great workout even on a tight schedule.

We are first going to look at a few principles of building quick and effective workouts, then we will look at a sample arm workout using those principles.

The sample workout will be very tough, and will take you less than 10 minutes to get through the whole thing.

All right, let’s start by taking a look at the principles behind a good quick workout.

Quick Workout Principles

The first principle of a good, quick workout is to keep the rest periods short, ie. no more than 30 seconds.

If you are on a time crunch, it makes no sense to spend a ton of your limited time sitting around drinking water.

The next principle is to target antagonistic muscle pairings. This usually means a push/pull type of super set.

This allows one muscle group to rest while the other is working.

Third, aim to keep your repetitions higher than you normally do. If you usually do 6-8 reps, aim for 12-15. This will increase the time under tension for the target muscle groups.

The fourth principle is to choose only two exercises. This will allow you to be very efficient. You won’t be running around the gym trying to find a bunch of different pieces of equipment or waiting for someone to finish on a machine.

You can get in and get out, while still getting a great workout.

Now that you understand the principles behind how we build these programs, let’s look at one you could do in under 10 minutes for your arms.

Sample 10 Minute Arm Workout

For this workout, all you will need is a set of dumbbells.

We are going to perform dumbbell curls in a super set with lying triceps extensions.

The rest periods will be only 30 seconds in between each, and we will aim for 12 repetitions on each set.

We will do a total of 5 sets of each exercise.

On the fifth set, we will throw in a wild card. Instead of only performing 12 reps on each exercise, do as many reps as you can until you simply cannot do anymore.

Your arms will be burning like crazy, and will have a crazy pump after words.

Let’s just review that workout and evaluate it against our principles.

We chose an antagonistic muscle pair, the biceps and triceps. The rest periods were only 30 seconds. We did 12 reps, and we only used 2 exercises.

Mission accomplished!

About the Author

Click here for some additional information that will help you build bigger arms by understanding the muscles of the upper arm

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Joshua Noerr

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Click here for some additional information that will help you build bigger arms by understanding the muscles of the upper arm

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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