Know the Benefits of Circuit Training

July 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

One of the most popular ways to get in shape is circuit training, in which cardiovascular moves and resistance training are combined to get one good workout. You are supposed to perform a move for a couple of minutes, and then switch to another exercise, with only about a minute between moves. There are various benefits of circuit training, such as keeping the workout interesting, getting a good workout without spending much money, and working out several muscle groups in one routine.

If you get bored with exercise routines easily, circuit training might keep you interested since you do several moves in a short period of time. You can switch up the order, or you can change the moves entirely each time you work out. For example, you can jog in place for a few minutes, and then do push-ups, followed immediately by crunches, leg lifts, and squats.

The next day, you can take out a few moves and replace them with other exercises, such as dumbbell lifts and lunges. Just make sure to work out several muscle groups every time you do circuit training so that you get a great overall workout. Changing the routine or just the order in which you perform the moves will keep your workout interesting.

Most of the circuits in circuit training do not require you to spend a lot of money, or any money at all. In fact, this is a great workout to do at home. It is helpful if you have an exercise mat, dumbbells, and a cardio machine, such as an elliptical or exercise bike, but none of these are required. You can just do resistance moves, such as squats, lunges, and crunches. Then add in cardio moves like jogging in place, jumping jacks, and jump squats.

You can even do circuit training around your neighborhood or at a park, running or walking for the cardio portion and then stopping to do lunges or squats. You can also perform these moves at a gym or in a pool, making this one of the most flexible workouts available.

The point of circuit training is to work out several muscles in one routine while also allowing them to recover since you are supposed to alternate muscle groups with each move. For example, you can do crunches and then push-ups, then lunges, and then begin working out the abdominal muscles again with side crunches. You can also start over at this point with regular crunches since there is no rule about how many circuits you have to have. If you alternate muscle groups, they do not get too tired to finish the workout. At the same time, keeping only a minute or so between each move prevents the muscles from getting too relaxed, allowing you to get a tough workout that you are able to finish.

You do not have to completely replace your current routine with circuit training, especially if you are new to this concept. Instead, you can try it out by adding it into your rotation of workouts, maybe doing circuit training once per week to start. This way, you will definitely not get bored with your exercise routine.

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