Know The Fastest Way To Burn Fat Weight Loss Tips

January 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

Article by Jeramey Thompson

Burning off fat is neither easy nor fast, but you can definitely do things that could help boost up your metabolism to burn more calories. It is found that with age our body’s metabolism slows down and we tend to lose about half a pound of muscles each year and if the muscle is not used it could lead to formation of fats as fewer calories are burnt. It is true that there is no fastest way to burn fat, but you have to use ways to burn calories, with about losing 1 pound of fat requiring burning of 3500 calories. However there are various ways that you can burn more calories and lose fat.

Running proves to be one the fastest way to burn fat, with exercise helping as the best way to burn fat effectively and quickly. Doing aerobic exercises and strength training helps, with the general fastest way to burn fat being those that involve more intensity. It is true that rock climbing, biking, step aerobics, swimming and running could give the best result and bring about improvement in overall health. I would say the best results could be expected with doing aerobic and strength training exercises on alternate days.

I would never agree with people that told me that not having a breakfast would help, for our metabolism slows down as we sleep and breakfast helps to speed it up with the digestion of food. Taking a breakfast of 300 to 400 calories that has high fiber preferably a cereal with skimmed milk and fruit proves to also be the fastest way to burn fat, as fiber has always proved useful in fat and weight loss programs.

It is again worth noting that having protein at each meal could also prove to the fastest way to burn fat as it speeds up the metabolism, with the digestive system using more energy to break proteins down. So this could help burn more calories, with taking about 20 to 30 percent of the diet as protein helping to burn fat. However this percentage should not be increased as it could lead to strain on the kidney and storing of fats.

Consuming green tea proves to be not only useful to fight cancer, but it can also prove to be the fastest way to burn fat for some. People that take green-tea extract 3 times a day found that their metabolism increased by about 4%, meaning you burnt about 60 more calories in a day that amounted to about 6 pounds in a year. The catechins in green tea helped to increase the metabolic speeding chemical, norepinephrine in the brain.

It is strange, but true that one fastest way to burn fat is by what is known as thermo genesis. It is found that people burn fats especially in the winter months in extreme cold climates by simply going out in the cold air. This could be also done with taking a shower with very cold water, as much as one can stand. The process of the body trying to warm itself with thermo genesis will aid your losing calories and fats for hours. The similar effect could be got with drinking very cold water.

That’s to the fastest way to each one finding one method superior to all the others.

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