Known Best Weight Loss Exercises

July 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Aerobic Exercises

Article by Priya Singh

Known Best Weight Loss Exercises – Health – Weight Loss

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Following a regular exercise regimen not only helps you shed off extra weight and flab, but also keeps your heart and mind healthy. If you are looking forward to get into shape, here are a few weight loss exercises that will help you achieve it.


Practicing push-ups is considered one of the best method to build and tone upper part of the body .i.e. chest, triceps and shoulder muscles. It also helps in the maintaining and building of the core stabilizer muscles in the midsection of the body. If you have just started performing push-ups and find it hard to do number of push-ups together, start practicing half push up i.e. your knees resting on the floor instead of the feet. Once you get on doing 10 to 20 complete push-ups without taking any break in between, try performing sets.


Jogging does not need you to empty your pockets at gym. You can simply jog around the park or at one place while watching TV or listening to music or while doing any other daily activity which does not require your concentration. Jogging becomes enjoyable when done in addition to an interesting activity. To jog, what you all need is a good pair of shoes to absorb shocks to your joint.

Aerobic ExercisesOne of the interesting and effective weight loss exercises particularly for women. An hour of aerobics makes you sweat badly and accelerate your heart rate. To tone the lower body, aerobics is the best way, which does not let you get bore of it with its fast and smart movements. Make a point to do aerobic workout for at least 20 to 30 minutes a day. Use elliptical burner to tone your flabby stomach. One hour of elliptical burner rob off 600 calories at a time.


Your exercise regimen would be incomplete without body weight dips, as they work great to strengthen and tone the triceps. You can perform either full-body dips or half dips. Full-body dips require special weight loss exercises equipments and are hard to perform, especially for beginners. To get a better hold on full-body dips, first try half dips, which only requires a couple of chairs, a bench or something that is averagely above the ground.


To get your thighs and butt in shape, practicing squats would be a great choice. Squats are comparatively easier than push-ups and dips. To perform squats, separate your feet as per your shoulder-width, fold your arms in front of your chest. Remain in the same position and lower your butt towards the floor until your thighs are few inches away from the floor. Hold this position for few seconds and repeat it as many times as you can comfortably. You may experience difficulty in balancing yourself so widen your legs until you find it comfortable.

About the Author

In this article you can read about some weight loss exercises and yoga for weight loss and even you can get full information to how to lose weight quickly by visiting

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Priya Singh

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In this article you can read about some weight loss exercises and yoga for weight loss and even you can get full information to how to lose weight quickly by visiting

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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