Little Known Facts About Kettlebells

September 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Article by Carter Wilson

Little Known Facts About Kettlebells – Health – Fitness

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Some HistoryA Russian Kettlebell didn’t named that for marketing reasons. They emerged about 350 years ago back in Russia. Farmers used Kettlebells as dry counterweights for farm equipment and measuring dry goods for sale. Whether it was boredom, a fascination or perhaps a real wish for some level of fitness, farmers and others began throwing them about for entertainment and subsequently for weight lifting. After World War 2, kettlebell lifting took over as Russia’s national sport. This prominent status helped spread the kettlebell craze to the use by Olympic teams, the and more specifically, special forces.

It’s history isn’t limited to only Russia. As time passes the kettlebell became very popular among strongmen who started incorporating the kettlebell into their everyday workout routines. The use of the kettlebell began spreading across Western Europe and subsequently reaching America for the sole purpose of developing great strength. Old time strongman manuals (magazines) of the 1900’s show their use and results gained. Although, as time progressed kettlebells disappeared from the west as alternative approaches of bodybuilding were introduced. Even though the west same a decline in their use, they were still being used heavily in Russia.

Now the use of kettlebells are gaining popularity once again in the west.

Cast-Iron and Steel Kettlebells (Traditional vs Competition)Competition (Pro Grade) kettlebells are made from steel. Steel is a bit more durable than cast-iron. Cast-iron shouldn’t be considered an inferior product though. It merely means that steel is stronger than cast iron and therefore tougher. That’s the reason ships, buildings, construction equipment and a lot of other items are made from steel. They are virtually indestructible, as well as a step up from classic cast iron kettlebells. On account of this higher grade quality, you will probably pay more when buying steel kettlebells. Let’s be clear though, don’t expect a superb cast-iron kettlebell to fall apart on you from over use. It’s gonna kick your butt before ever falling apart and by that time, you should look like a greek god. Here’s the biggest difference between the two, steel competition kettlebells always have exactly the same dimensions what ever the weight may be. Which means that if you are using an 10kg or a 40kg kettlebell, they will always rest on your forearm in the same place when racking. For competitors that is a big aspect in kettlebell lifting. Traditional cast-iron kettlebells get larger in size as the weight increases.

If you are interested in seeing a large collection of kettlebells for sale, you can check out They have a nice site that categorizes kettlebells by all sorts of different characteristics.

About the Author

Many people new to kettlebell training don’t know what to expect when it comes to buying kettlebells, especially when there are so many to choose from. Here is some helpful information and a splash of history so you’re not overwhelmed when you go to make that first buy.

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Carter Wilson

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Many people new to kettlebell training don’t know what to expect when it comes to buying kettlebells, especially when there are so many to choose from. Here is some helpful information and a splash of history so you’re not overwhelmed when you go to make that first buy.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Get the DVD at My Mad Methods Productions is proud to offer the Combat Kettlebell Systems DVD with former professional mma fighter and competitive grappler, Joey Alvarado of Socal MMA Fitness. If you’re looking to enhance your strength, stamina, and agility for the next fight, you can’t beat Joey’s high intensity workouts that feature newly developed kettlebell and bodyweight exercises specifically created to enhance your fighting performance. Take advantage of pre-sale pricing! Combat Kettlebell Systems is a unique blend of Jiu Jitsu bodyweight exercises and newly developed kettlebell exercises created to specifically enhance striking, throwing, and ground power. Joey Alvarado, the developer of this intense form of kettlebell and bodyweight training, is a former professional MMA fighter and competitive grappler. Joey has used his 30 years of Martial Arts experience to create an intense series of exercises and workouts to give you crazy conditioning levels, increase your strength and power, and amplify your agility like never before. * Combat Kettlebell Systems Introduction * Over 15 step-by-step Bodyweight & Kettlebell Exercise Instructions * 3 High Intensity Follow-Along Workouts Get the DVD at http
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