Little Known Weight Training Exercises To Increase Vertical

January 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Matt Sheehey

By following the correct exercises to increase vertical, one can surely increase your vertical jumps and thus affect your performance significantly when playing. It may be true that genetics play a large part of having the ability to jump high, but you need to know that it is attainable by conscientiously doing training programs specifically designed to enhance one’s jumps.

There’s currently three various strength training programs that will allow you to increase your vertical jumps. Each of these techniques are proven to help a person in jumping higher so it is best to choose one which you feel will help you best to perform in the game you’re currently playing.

Traditional weight training is amongst the exercises to increase vertical that incorporate several exercises such as squats, leg presses, lunges and toe raises. Weights are worn on the leg and a person is tasked to perform repetitions of exercises to boost their leg strength. One of the components in developing a good vertical jump is by gaining power, which is strength and speed combined.

The dynamic weight training is completed by wearing lighter weights and resistance that is built by doing a set of various motions while training. Examples of the standard dynamic weight training exercises are power cleans, snatch and clean and jerk. Doing this set of training can help you improve your power, and increase your vertical jumps as well. However, this set of exercises is usually recommended for people who are doing advanced training.

Probably one of the top preferred exercises to increase vertical will be the plyometric training. It is designed to bridge the gap over the strength and the speed of a person. By combining any of the weight training mentioneds above with plyometrics, will definitely assist you in getting optimum results in vertical jumps. Your training should not only concentrate on your leg power as you also need to work on your arms. Studies show that arms also contribute in one’s velocity while taking off within a jump.

For those new to strength training, you ought to start first with a basic weight training program as this can help you gain power effectively without injuring yourself. If you’re confident with your current strength level, you may add dynamic weight training exercises to the current program. For those who have built the body properly, you should be able to do a combination of the weight training program and plyometrics to get the best exercises to increase vertical which will help in getting higher vertical jumps.

In Closing

To Learn More Exercises To Increase Vertical I Would Like To Encourage You To Pick Up A Free Copy Of “How To Jump Higher In 45 Minutes Guaranteed!” This Is A Complimentary Ebook That Can Present You With Easy Immediate Solutions To Increase Your Vertical. You Claim Your Free Copy By Visiting >>>

Hi there, I’m Matt Sheehey and I’ve spent a great deal of time looking for info on how to jump higher. However, a lot of the info I’ve found in the past was just not very good. Then I recently discovered Jacob Hiller’s Jump Manual.

In The Manual, I found well informed, well written, useful and easily understandable information. So much so, that I thought it was important to write articles and provide tips for people who are having the same trouble I was about how to increase my vertical and jump higher.

I hope you find my articles useful & informative!

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