Lose Weight : Lose Weight Fast!

December 29, 2011 by  
Filed under Slim Down

Lose Weight : Lose Weight Fast! :

Do you have a big event coming up that you need to lose weight for? Is there a wedding or graduation or anniversary in your near future? The bottom line is that the old “eat less and move more” mantra is the truth and it is what really works. But darn it, if your big event is only a few weeks away what can you do to get those pounds off quick? http://lose-weight-quick-365.blogspot.com

There are many ways to lose weight. But some people find the beginning especially challenging. These people simply can’t get the weight loss process going, even though they try to follow this diet or the next. For these people, the “Shock and Continuation” method may be the best bet. What is the Shock and Continuation weight loss method? This is a method which combines 2 types of diet.

The first is only for the beginning and is intended to shock the body into losing weight. The second is a long term diet aimed at ensuring that you continue to lose weight for a long time.

Start by putting yourself on a vegetable and fruit diet. You cannot eat anything but vegetables and fruit. Also cut all your alcoholic beverages and anything that you would normally drink other than milk and water. You will need the milk for protein and calcium, buy you should be drinking a lot of water each day.


There is one last step to losing weight in a week and it is to walk around all day with your abdominal muscles flexed. This will cause your body to use more energy than normal and burn more fat.

Re-write your same weight loss goals every single day, and recite them aloud for extra effect. The more you read, write, and review your goals, the more real they become. This is a huge how to lose weight fast now, tip! http://lose-weight-quick-365.blogspot.com

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